Chapter 4

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King Balak, after hearing whom it was who seeked audience with him, sat on his throne with his head in his hands. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It had been three months. He had nearly forgotten all about this disappointing soothsayer. Yet here he was, Balaam had returned.

Against his better judgement he allowed Balaam to enter. Abruptly he said.
"What do want prophet?"
"You jest, surely?"
"You have done nothing, yet you want payment?"
"Not payment, lord king, just an advance."
"An advance for what?"
"You do not look so poorly dressed that you have need of new clothes!"
"Not for me, lord king, dresses."
"Dresses! .....for who?"
"Some of the most beautiful women in Moab!"
"Do you arrange a banquet that I am not aware of?"
" Not quite lord king, more like a battle."
"Do you not need armour for a soldier?"
"These 'soldiers' will bring down the strongest warrior with their wiles, and your dresses."
"This has gone far enough. Explain yourself. Stop talking in riddles."

This was exactly what Balaam had been aiming for. Instead of asking the king if he could was the king requesting, no, commanding him to speak. Balaam seized his chance. A long while later Balaam left Balak's presence with a note, ordering the treasurer to supply the prophet with a substantial sum of money to pay and dress his 'soldiers'. Balaam had laid out a plan whereby the Israelite men would not only be overcome and deceived by the Moab 'soldiers' but be killed by their own kind. Not one Moabite soldier would be lost. The king had fallen for the sweet talk of the seer.

Shittim, situated in Moab, was the perfect place for Balaam to mobilise his 'troops'.  It was also near Peor, a fact that would play an important part in the prophet's scheme of things.

Balaam had recruited a large gathering of Moabite women from the streets, market places and even Baal of Peor priestesses, who would sell their bodies for financial gain. He dressed them in finely made, provocative garments. Bought them expensive perfumes and gold braids for their hair.

He sent them into Shittim with the sole purpose of luring the Israelite men to their place of worship, to accompany them in worshipping their gods. The fact that worshipping Baal Peor included sexual acts, was a bonus for the unsuspecting Israelite men. The harvest was ripe for the picking. The men were bored and tired of waiting for the so-called promised land.

Balaam then received good news from Balak, the Moabite king. Balak had been approached by the Midianites expressing their concern at the great number of Israelites in the area. When Balak had outlined the plan, which with Balaam's help seemed to be very successful so far, the Midianites were only too eager to assist. Therefore Balak would be sending in excess of 500 Midianite women to Shittim to help seduce the Hebrew men.

Balaam stood before king Balak, who said,
"Greetings friend and prophet.  I suppose you have come for your reward.  The people speak widely of 'The Council of Balaam' so I cannot deny that you have earned the riches promised to you.  What will you do now?"
Balaam replied,  "I will return to Pethor, and live in peace on the other side of the Euphrates.  Sell my donkey and buy a more agreeable animal to travel with, a horse perhaps."
"I don't think you will easily forget your mad donkey, your limp will be evidence of your time together.  But back to your reward....before I hand over anything I wish to hear a detailed report.  Come, sit here and tell me all.  Leave nothing out."  Balak remarked.

Balaam made himself comfortable.  Took a large rolled parchment out of his bag and began to read.
"I anticipated your request so I have written down all that has transpired.  This parchment is for you, but I will read it aloud to gain your approval and to secure my reward.

1.  To force the One Living God to curse the Israelites, knowing from past experiences, that he would never allow me to curse them, I devised a plan whereby, his chosen people, by their own acts of disobedience would bring curses on their heads with little or no help from me or anyone else.

2.  I started with a few Moabite women and was soon joined by a large number of Midianite beauties, who excelled in the art of seduction.  Sexual immorality, eating sacrificial meat and yoking themselves to Baal of Peor made the Lord's anger burn against them.  They were bewitched by their own lusts.  An army of armed men would not have caused as much destruction as did the Midian harlots.  Ever since Eve have strong men been snared and slain by the lips of strange women.
The act of joining themselves to Baal of Peor was like a pungent stench in the nose of Almighty God.  So the Lord sent a plague amongst the people of Israel,  killing 24 000 men.

3.  According to God's instructions the leaders, who encouraged the men to partake in these practises, were put to the sword and then hung up in the sun. Seeing their leaders and princes so severely punished for their whoredom and idolatry, the people realised the evil of their sin the extent of God's wrath against them.

4. While the people were gathered at the Tent of Meeting, crying and mourning the death of their leaders, an act of daring and impudence unfolded. Zimri the son of Salu, a leader in the tribe of Simeon, arrived with a princess, named Kosbi, daughter of Zur, tribal chief of a Midianite family. They walked hand in hand in front of everybody, including Moses. Openly entering the Tent of Meeting. This was an affront to the justice of the nation and a slap in the face to all those weeping for the death of the leaders. The couple slipped into a cubicle on the side of the Tent and proceeded to have sexual intercourse.

Phinehas, Aaron's grandson, filled with holy indignation takes hold of his half-pike and follows the couple into the cubicle. Finding them entwined in lovemaking, he drives his weapon through Zimri's back and into Kosbi's stomach.
Zimri's cry of pain is mistaken by Kosbi as his height of pleasure. Kosbi's deep moan is mistaken by Zimri as her great delight. The sounds they emit are the last sounds they will ever hear, as the spirit of life departs from both of them.

5. The action of Phinehas marks the end of God's anger and retribution towards the Israelites. The plague comes to an end. Phinehas receives the promise of everlasting priesthood.

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