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TW! Emotional abuse.

tuesday ; 9 pm.

"And they were roomates." a voice could be listened through (y/n)'s phone, who was sitting on their room, talking with their best friend who lived far.

"I swear that I don't know what to do anymore." the (h/c) haired told their friend "They yell louder and louder each time, so much that I'm sure they wouldn't notice if I left." Both laughed.

"Hey, what if..." their friend said after a couple seconds in a more serious voice.

"Penny, no. Do you know how dangerous would it be?" (y/n) answered immediately, who was sure of what their friend meant. "Besides, I don't have a plan or someone to stay with."

"You can stay with me." their friend exclaimed excitedly "I know you're not amused by the idea, but would you think about it?"

"Fine, I'll call you tomorrow, bye." (y/n) hanged up and flopped on the bed. They were so tired that they didn't realize when they fell asleep, but eventually it happened.


(y/n) woke up suddenly, startled. They have had a horrible nightmare, the same they have been having for all their life and which they had not found an explanation. They looked at the clock, it was three in the morning.

Tired and scared, they went downstairs to the kitchen as quiet as they could. They poured a glass of water, trying to calm themselves a little bit.

When putting the glass over the edge of the table, it fell into the ground, breaking and making a lot of noise.

They started to pick up the big pieces and they were about to sweep away the smallest pieces when they heard steps coming from the stairs. They closed their eyes hoping to be asleep, but unfortunately the kitchen light came on, revealing their angry parents.

"Mom, dad, I'm so sorry..." they quickly apologized.

"Sorry nothing, do you have any idea what time it is?" their mother claimed.

"Yes, I know but..."

"Shut up!" their father interrupted quickly "You should not have been born."

They turned the light off and when back to sleep, while (y/n) was left cleaning the disaster. What could they possibly do for their parents to treat them so bad? They blamed them for everything, they didn't pay attention to them, but they had no choice ... Or did they?

The (h/c) haired ran upstairs, took their phone and texted their friend.

"I know it's late, but I have a plan to away."

𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 - futuristic four  ꒱ ༘♡Where stories live. Discover now