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hey bitches🤠 chile- it's been to long😼 anyways in this tony isn't a predator nor does he have pink hair🙈 all i'm gonna think about is willy wonka's duet to his video😻 oh and also it's the original hype house, with charli and dixie and addison.

Tony's PoV:

"Y'all, come in here!" Thomas yelled throughout the house. We all gathered in the living room, even Chase, and he never leaves his room. "So, we're adding a new member. His name is Nick Austin, he's 19 from San Diego. He'll be joining us tomorrow, he'll be rooming Chase. Hopefully he likes the room dark. Feel free to check out his socials, get to know him." Thomas explained. Everyone was ecstatic for the arrival of our newest member. I snuck away while everyone was conversing about what Nick would be like. I walked to my room and gently shut the door. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, opening tiktok. I typed in the letter 'n' and looked through the suggestions. The first name that came up was Noah Beck then it was Nick Austin. I clicked on his profile and checked his following count. "8.5 million, not bad." I mumbled, clicking the follow button. I pressed his most recent video and let it play. It was him lip syncing to a song. It was pretty hot. I liked it and scrolled through his account. I made it all the way to the bottom of his account, from July 2019. I made sure I didn't like it, that would be creepy, and clicked out of his profile. I opened instagram, searching for his profile. I followed him and scrolled for a long time. I was looking at a picture from 2018 when i accidentally liked it. "Shit shit shit!" I just deep liked a picture from 2018. I was so caught up in my frantic panicking I didn't notice Ondreaz enter the room and check my phone. "Simp." He said, scaring the fuck out of me. I shrieked and jumped back, whacking my heel of the dresser. "Sorry T, didn't mean to scare ya. So, what ya looking at?" He smirked, holding up my phone in a teasing manner. I blushed and snatched my phone back, shoving it under my pillow. "Shut up." I grumbled, folding my arms over my chest. "So, deep liking an old pic of Nick? Stalker much?" He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit his shoulder. "Ondreaz! Tony! Sway his here!" Kouvr yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Come on, let's go downstairs." I said exiting the room, Ondreaz following suit.

Nick's PoV:

I woke up on Thursday morning at 4am. I quietly grabbed my bags and tiptoed down the stairs. I placed them by the door, and turned around. "Going somewhere?" A voice said from the couch. I put a hand over my mouth and tried not to scream. "Alex, hey. Um, please don't tell anyone. I just need to ge-," He cut me off by laughing softly. "Relax Nicky, I'll cover for you. Go upstairs and get ready, they're gonna be up soon." He assured me with a smile. I hugged him and dashed upstairs, quietly. Alex had always been my favorite. He was caring but looked intimidating, but a total softie. I finished getting ready and carefully walked to the kitchen. "Have fun bub." He shooed me out the door and to my car. I got in and started it. I took one last look at the house I called home, hell if you will. I made about two pit stops on the way to the Hype House, one to get breakfast and the other to get Dunkin for Charli. Who I had become close with after she messaged me on instagram. By the time I got to the house it was about 7am, the time Thomas told me to be here at. I parked and turned off the engine. I grabbed my bags and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited for someone to answer.

forgot how fun writing tonick was😻 anyways guys i fucking forgot i had this until a notification popped up saying someone voted on it or something. hope you enjoyed😼

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