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After school, I waited for Alice to leave before catching Matthew and Sara. I scoffed as they thought they could get away with this. I'm certainly not going to let that happen. When they were walking, I sprinted after them before tapping them both on the shoulder. Turning around, I saw there faces. Matt looked like he was going to throw up any minute, whereas Sara had a guilty look.

        "A word, my dear friend and best friend?" I politely asked. Sara sighed before nodding, whereas Matt didn't say anything, just followed. We went to the gazebo and I decided to let them tell me in their own time.

        "Well seeing as Matt had know idea it was going to happen, I guess I'll explain," I turned to Sara. "Well I played a small trick on Alice, which was me pretending to be Matthew and saying all that 'I'm break up with you' crap," I could feel his glare on Sara as she said it. "But when she spoke to him, I thought I was in trouble. So he decided to tell me about it and then... I just did it. I kissed him," I winced at the way she emphasized the 'sss' in kissed.

        I looked at Sara, who was nervously looking at her feet. She wouldn't have done it purposely. Then I turned to Matt. He seemed to be okay. So maybe this was an accident. Maybe this wasn't supposed to happen. Maybe... maybe I am using way too many maybes.

       "You know, I could be angry," Sara closed her eyes, prepared for the worst. "But there's nothing to be angry about. It was just a kiss. They happen all the time."        

          She looked at me, dumbfounded.  Before I could inhale another breath, she engaged me into a big, breath-taking hug. And I repeat, breathtaking. I struggled to pull away from her, but luckily Matt saw me try to break free, so he helped. Once being pulled off me, she apologised, before walking home. That left me and Matthew.  Great... he started scanning my face,  looking at every detail. It was like I was a painting!

          "I never asked you this," he muttered before raising his voice, so I could hear. "What do you want to be when you're older?" I was to mesmerised,  by his breath taking smile, to respond straight away. But this was more of a figurative breathtaking moment, not literal.

           "Well I actually have one thing in mind," I grinned. "When I'm older and have the right qualifications,  I want to be a-"

            "Teacher?" I looked at him, curious as to how he knew.

            "Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked him.

            "Well, you're great at handling situations and you're not biased, which is the key to become a great teacher. But also, I remember you going on about it. How you couldn't decide which subject you wanted to specialise in. And when I suggested being a primary teacher, the biggest smile ever came on your face."

             I was taken back by what he said. He actually remembered? Even I didn't remember, yet I was aware of having the conversation with someone. I just forgot it was him. How could he remember, was yet a mystery. But what I did know is that I couldn't let him go. Whether we were friends or not, I had to keep him close. However, he misinterpreted the signs as he leaned in. Normal Christie would've caved in, let the kiss happen. But this wasnt right. When he was about to touch my lips, I dodged the bullet. He looked at me, shocked before he started apologising nonstop.

              "Listen,  now is not the right time. You just came out of a relationship. Im not a rebound. Also, I can't... be with you. The pain that you chose her over me is still there. We can only be friends."

                Feeling sympathetic,  I placed my hand on his shoulder.  But he moved it, making my hand fall to my side. I was confused until I saw it. Anger. One of his baggage was having a bad short temper.  I took three steps back, before he punched his hand on the gazebo furiously. His breathing became heavy. His shoulders raised up and down quickly. He was a beast.

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