Battle;; (My OC)

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Hanna Akirio


She has no nicknames


It depends on the RP

Gender and pronouns:

Female and feminine pronouns



A summary of character's personality:

Hanna is a naturally introverted girl, but the girl is not very shy: she just has a hard time talking to strangers.

Most of the time with a serious expression on her face, the girl does not feel much need to show various emotions on her face, except when she is in one of her jobs, where she needs to do this.

Being able to open up easily to people, this is one of the girl's biggest flaws and that's why she doesn't like to get too close to people.


* Video games: she loves to play video games, no matter what genre, but she prefers romance ones

* Designing: this being one of her greatest talents, the girl likes to design for things, so much so that she works with it

* Cute things: the girl can't resist cute things, especially puppies

* Dye her hair: this has become a habit for the girl, she does not like her hair in its natural color: black. She prefers to have her hair colored in pastel colors and, sometimes, vibrant


* Rude people: she does not support such people and, when someone is rude to him, she swears at him (unless if is her boss)

* Handicrafts: she is horrible in handicrafts like painting, making sculptures, among other types of handicrafts. So she doesn't like

* Dentists: she hates dentists with everything she has in her heart. She hates the threatening machines they have, the smell of the products, everything the dentists have and all the things related to them basically.

* Height: she hates everything related to high heights and she will never do anything she needs to stay somewhere too high, even if her life depends on it

Appearance (can be either a photo or just a description):

Appearance (can be either a photo or just a description):

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(I do not draew this, i found it on Google. Let me know who is the artist so i can credit them)


There are not many interesting things to tell about the girl.

Born in Ikebukuro but having spent most of her adolescence in Osaka, the girl is the only child of two somewhat conservative parents who always wanted her not to get into big fights.

Since her pre-adolescence the girl showed interest in Hypnosis Microphones, always wondering how they would work and how much she wanted one, both just to talk to everyone and be proud to have one and to protect herself.

However, one day when the girl was 16 and was returning from school, while the girl passed a casino to go home, a great man stopped the girl and handed her a Hypnosis Microphone

- You look like an innocent girl, be careful

And after saying that he left the girl's sight.

The girl never understood that, only later she would understand when she was at Party Of Words, making designs for Hypnosis Microphones.


* Play video games: this is one of the girl's biggest hobbies, as previously said, she loves playing video games

* Listening to music: she loves all kinds of music but mostly Japanese electronic music

Is your / your character part of a division? If so, what is the name of his / her division and what city does he / she represent?


What is your character's occupation? Remember: even if he / she has a Hypnosis Microphone, he / she still needs to have an occupation:

She is part of Party Of Words, plus she streams games at the end of the days/night

Does your character have a Hypnosis Microphone?


Crush/Love interest:

 Ichiro or Gentaro

 Ichiro or Gentaro

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