I sat in a chair in the corner of the room, avoiding being brought into the stuff happening on the table. I've never been a fan of drugs, except weed back in grade 9, but I can't smoke it anymore because it makes me anxious.
"Zoey" the female says, "come smoke a bong" this always happens..
"uhh, no thank you, i'm good" I always get asked to smoke, and I always have to say no, it just feels so awkward. Considering my last boyfriend always smoked weed, and so did all of his friends, so I got asked a lot.
They didn't talk to me much after that, so I mostly stayed on my phone, watching Instagram stories. Shortly after Cade says to me hes going to take me home, which actually isn't that far from where we are. I thanked him for the ride and went inside after giving him a smell pack on the cheek.
Although the date wasn't too great, hes still so sweet, quiet but sweet.
The next day
Cade and I didn't talk too much last night, I was tired, I'm pretty sure I got second hand stoned last night.
I definitely want to see him again, I decided to text him,
Hey, I had a really good time last night :) -ZMe 2 your gorgeous - C
Ugh his grammar..
I want to see you again.. soon - Z
now? im not busy -C
sure! pick me up in 20? - Z
c u soon - C
I get dressed, he picks me up and I wait for him to tell me where we are going. Two minutes later we arrive at the sketchy apartment.. again..
I did not want to be here, but Ill give it another chance. We walk in and its a bit different from the last time, there's no more drugs on the coffee table, and the pizza boxes that were on the floor have disappeared, I immediately feel more comfortable.
Britt sees us walk through the door and smiles "Heyyy!!!" she comes over to us and welcomes us each with a hug.
"Hey" I smiled as I hugged back.
A couple hours go by.
"Hey, I need to go home, its getting pretty late." I say to Cade
"oh yeah, OK. want me to drive you?" he says after he exhaled is smoke.
"no, I'm okay I think I should walk. its not too far."
"okay well I will walk you to the door" he says as we both get up to walk to the door. I officially like this guy. and his friends aren't too bad, we actually played a game together, Cards Against Humanity, I'd never played it before but it was pretty fun, Nick won, he's really funny.
We got to the front door and I put my shoes and jacket on, and I turn over to Cade to say goodbye but I'm stunned by a pair of soft lips on mine, I stayed shocked for a moment and then kiss back finally, he deepens the kiss and puts his hand on the side of my face, by this point we are making out. He moves his hands from my face to my back and I wrap mine behind his neck, swiftly he puts one hand on my ass and lifts me up and places me against the wall.
I'm nervous yet excited, and I can feel it, and I can feel that he is too. The last guy I was with was a lot less experienced, and a lot smaller. I'm only 5"2 so Cade towers over me, he makes me feel so small in his arms, I like it though.
The kiss starts to slow down and a small part of me is sad about it, Cade stops kissing me and plants a small kiss on my lips before he sets me down, but it was as if I forgot how to stand, my feet touch the ground but I stumble a bit, he catches me and I look up at him embarrassed. I start to regain my balance and pull myself together, I smile at him filled with lust, and quickly say bye and leave.
I'm a bit embarrassed because I've never done that before, I've never felt so drink while so sober. he's intoxicating. I walk down the steps and start walking home. It's about a five minute walk from the apartment to my house, so I get home fairly quick.
I walk in the door and my parents are sitting in the living room, "how was your time?" my mom says.
"It was good, really good" I blush remembering what had just happened and quickly take off my shoes and basically run to my room. I see I have a text from Cade.
Looking forward to doing that again ;) - C
I blushed again.
Me too, goodnight Cade :) - Z
Goodnight Zoey ♥ - C
I smiled and put my phone down after plugging it in. I get changed into a oversized t-shirt and panties. I go to bed thinking about tonight, smiling as I drift asleep.
A little more spicy hmm? This chapter was really fun to write! Thank you for reading and make sur you leave a comment and a vote!

Lovely Betrayal
Teen FictionThis is the traumatic, up and down, emotional, betrayal filled story of a young girl named Zoey. She has lived through copious amounts of trauma that changed her, into a person, not always good, but not always bad. Shes made mistakes and learned fro...