Chapter 12

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Bk pulled over his car near his cousin's house. He was met by flock of police cars at his cousin's house. He started to get worried as he got out of the car. The community stood at a distance as they watch the police work on the crime scene. He lock his car. Bk walks toward the house, but he's stopped by a police officer.

"Sorry. No one is allowed here. It a crime scene." The officer ordered.

Bk puts his car key on his pocket. "What happened here?"

"A man was found dead with multiple stab wounds."

Bk feared for the worst. He hoped his cousin was safe and not harmed. Police came out of the door carrying a body. Bk felt like he was in a bad dream. Seeing his cousin's body being taken to the police van broke his heart. He wanted to open the body bag and see if it really him, but the cops were not allowing anyone near the deceased.

Tears fell down from his eyes, he wipes the tears as he heads back to his car. Bk start the engine, he drove off.

One person came to mind that he knew was involved in the murder of his cousin. He drove in a high speed, as he crossed a red robot on the road. Anger was building up on him. He still couldn't believe Chico would do such a thing to his family member. What made him more furious was that he has  been a loyal man to Chico, and he didn't deserve what happened to his cousin. He was having doubts about trusting Chico. His love  for Chico was becoming hate.


Sarah walked into her apartment. She puts her laptop bag on the couch. She looked tired. Sarah walks toward the fridge and she opens it, she takes out a beer. Sarah opens it and takes a sip as she closes the fridge. Sarah walk to the lounge. Something hard hit her head. All she saw was blackness in her eyes as she fell on the floor.


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