The cake and baby Marina

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Sorry I don't finish chapter 5, I just got so excited for this!!!! EEEEEEK!
Your POV
It's been 5 months and I woke up around 1:28 AM because I couldn't sleep once again. I cuddled close to Jeff. He wrapped his arm around my waist and cuddled closer while snoring into my head. I smiled and drifted back to sleep.
I woke up because of Jeff shaking me, "wake up, today's the day we get to find out the gender" I smiled and got up. My baby bump has become way bigger. I got dressed and Jeff helped a bit. We went to the mansion and everyone greeted us. "Here's the cake!" Nurse Ann smiled. Everyone was there including Sonic.EXE, Sonic.EXE's crew, Zalgo, Puppeteer, Slender Brothers, Zero, Lazari, Bloody

Painter and more. Jane gently gave me the knife and Jeff stood behind me also holding the back of my hand along with the knife. Jeff and I cut open the cake and the baby's gender was a girl. "MARINA!" Jeff shouted. "Marina it is Jeff" I giggled "baby Marina" Splendy smiled.
It was time for Marina to come out. Ann was giving me a checkup while Jeff was in the waiting room. "That's it (Y/N), push!" I groaned in pain and pushed. "I can see the head, push some more!" I pushed has hard as I can. I was running out of breath but good thing Ann told me when to stop pushing so I could breath. "That's it (Y/N)! She's almost out" Ann said. I moaned in pain once again and pushed then everything became black.

3rd person POV
By the time Marina came out crying (Y/N) has fallen asleep. Nurse Ann cut the cord that connected the baby to her mother. Ann cleaned the blood off the young baby. She wrapped Marina in a blanket and walked out to the waiting room where Jeff, BEN, E.J, L.J and the girls were. "Jeff, (Y/N) passed out so you should let her rest. In the meantime here is your baby" Jeff stood up from his chair and gently took the crying

Marina from Nurse Ann, "shhhh, it's alright sweetie, daddy's here" he cooed. Later (Y/N) woke up and walked out. Jeff smiled once he saw her and went over to hug her.

~at home, Jeff's POV~
By the time Marina, (Y/N) and I got home Marina was asleep. She had (s/c) colour skin, brown hair and soft baby pink lips. (Y/N) put Marina on our bed and lied next to her. I climbed in bed and wrapped my arm around (Y/N), I don't keep one bit 'cause when (Y/N) was pregnant Marina was always kicking, (Y/N) always getting up for different things, her tossing and turning, the two of them always pushing me off the bed but now that was over. I could finally sleep and so could my two previous baby-girls.
Now do ya'll know why I was excited to do this chapter? :3 SSSSSOOOOOOO CUTEEEEE!!!!! >w<

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