Chapter 1: It Happend That Night

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"You Don't Understand. We have to comeback for my sister." I said.

"Paul, listen to me. Your sister is gone." Sarah said. I was so sad.

"No. That's no true. You don't know that." i said. I Din't want to believe that my sister is gone.

"I'm sorry, Paul, but you have to except it." Sarah said and start running. I had to choose. To follow Sarah or Come Back for my sister. I can't believe it. I betrayed my sister. I left her alone. I followed Sarah. I was affraid to much to get back. I'm so sorry, Mira. I'm so sorry.

Me and Sarah were all in wounds and dirt. The thing that happend was terrible. I was still running.

"Sarah, wait. I can't run anymore." i said. I couldn't handle myself. I fell. Sarah was keep running

I woke up. I took a deep breath and look around. I was in office. Was that office principal's? The Door opened, I saw a thin, tall man, with blonde curly hair. He was wearing a black suit.

"Paul, i see you finally woke up." The man said.

"Where am I? Where's my sister? Where's Sarah? What is this place?" i had so many questions.

"Paul, calm down." The man said.

"Who you are?" i asked.

"Oh, Í'm sorry. Where are my manners. My name Is Daniel Baker. The principal of Cedar Hill." The Man said.

"Where am i?" i asked again. I knew where i am. I'm not sure why i even asked.

"You're in my office. We took you here." The principal said.

"Took me here? Where i was?" i asked.

" We found you at the floor of one of the halls of the school." The man said.

"What? How did i got there?" i asked.

"I''m hoping that you could tell me this, Paul." The man said.

"How long was i sleeping?" i asked. I saw the principal's angry face. I think he expected to tell him what happend, not to ask him another stupid question,

"Two days." I couldn't believe it.Two days? I was sleeping two days? I never slept that long. There must something really scary, so i can sleep that long. "We though you are in coma, but gladly you woke up." The man added with a little cute smile. " So Paul, le's get to the questions. What happend that night?" The man asked.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything." i said. I couldn't remember anything. The only thing i remember was that me and Sarah were walking at night through the halls of the school, we were following some noise. What happend next is a fog.

"Are you sure?" The man asked. It seems that this answer didn't satisdied him.

" The only thing that i remember was that me and Sarah were following some noise." i said.

"A noise? What noise?" The man seemed to be curious.

"I don't know. Me and Sarah went out. At night. We heard some noises, so we decided to see what is doing them. I don't remember what happend after that." i said. "Can i go now? My sister is alone in the room." i left.

I didn't get to the room. Another big man walked in to the principal.

"So what did you learn about the boy?" the man asked.

"Nothing interesting. He don't remember anything." The principal answered.

"Nothing?" the man asked again.

"Well, he don't remember nothing useful. " the principal said.

"Do you think that he might saw..." The principal interrupted the man.

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