Surprise Reunion

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It was the weekend, and Sunny was in Music to My Ears, testing a new violin—and she was having a blast.

"Very nice, mija," Lucia chuckled.

Suddenly, the Chowdhry twins entered.

"Sunny, what a pleasant surprise," Beebe smirked.

"Surprise?" Sunny asked. "I already told you earlier in the week that my family owns this place."

"So, you did," Cusco smirked. "But what's up with her?"

Sunny turned to her mother, who was shocked when she saw Beebe.

"That's the face your mother made when she saw me," Sunny realized. "I feel like I know what's going on."

Suddenly, Bernardo showed up. "What may I ask is going on?" he asked. But he was surprised when he saw Beebe.

"Okay, what's up here?" Cusco asked.

Suddenly, the twins' parents and grandparents came in.

"Beebe, Cusco, we came here to find you each a new instrument," Lorelei told the twins. But she was surprised when she saw Lucia and Bernardo. "Lucia Espinosa?"

"That's right, Lorelei," Lucia glared.

Sunny and the twins were shocked—their mothers knew each other.

"Bernardo, what a surprise," the grandmother chuckled nervously.

"We meet again, Valerie Turner," Bernardo glared.

"Momma, Abuelo, you know them?" Sunny asked.

"Yes, we do—as a matter of fact, Valerie is my ex-fiancée," Bernardo revealed.

Sunny and the twins were shocked. This explained why Lorelei was shocked the first time she saw Sunny.

"Is that so?" Valerie's husband asked.

"Sunny, you know your grandfather and I have told you how your grandmother died, but we never told you that he tried to get me a stepmother," Lucia said. "Well, it happened when I was your age. I met Valerie after she proposed to Abuelo. She was going to be my stepmother, and Lorelei was going to be my stepsister."

"What happened?" Sunny asked. "Why didn't they get married?"

"Well, apparently, Valerie and Lorelei jealously thought your mother was too much competition for them, so they tricked me into believing she was stressed out and that it was my idea to send her to boarding school," Bernardo said. "I heard them talking about their plot, and I called off the engagement. I haven't dated since then."

"Wow," Cusco gaped.

"Well, it just so happens that I got married not too long after your broke up with me," Valerie smirked.

"Good to know," Bernardo frowned. "But be warned that if Beebe and Cusco get one scratch on my granddaughter, she won't be the only one who's hurt!"

Beebe's family was intimidated by Bernardo's outburst.

"Wow, Bernardo, you're more intimidating than I remember," Lorelei gulped.

"Good," Bernardo glared.

"Anyway, you said Cusco and Beebe are here to get new instruments, yes?" Sunny asked.

"That's right," Mr. Chowdhry confirmed. "Cusco is trying to decide what instrument to get, and Beebe needs a new flute."

"The flutes should be over there, and Cusco can look around and decide what instrument he wants," Lucia declared.

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