Rules + Other Stuff

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•Before asking 'May I?', make sure you have filled out the form and gotten my approval. Then we can roleplay.
•Swearing is allowed, but please censor at least one letter of it so this book doesn't get banished.
•Smut is not allowed unless said so!
•Don't spam me with messages asking what I'm doing. I, rather unfortunately, have a life.
•Always wait at least three hours for me to reply to your messages! If I don't reply then, tag me and give me another three. And if I (for some reason) still don't reply, that either means that I am no longer interested in the roleplay or/and you have broken three or more rules/am offline!
•Always ask before joining someone's rp! Even then, you may not be allowed to join.
•No Mary or Gary Sues. (Seriously, this ain't Barbie y'all -_-)
•Please respect others' decisions! Let your roleplay buddy get some screen time once in a while. After all, you wouldn't like it if I made the rp all about my OCs and shoved yours towards the trash can, would you?
•Most importantly, have fun! It's all up to you (and partly me) what happens during (OC/N)'s  adventures!

TF Universes Included:
•Rescue Bots

Author's Notes:
Please follow the rules! I half-won't mind if you break one rule. I will give you a slight warning if you break two rules. And I will end the roleplay if you break three or more rules. And, I'm online at about.. 9:30-3:00 p.m.-a.m., in the Eastern Time Zone! I'm sorry if this causes any problems; I have limited access to my Internet! Also, when my mother is home from work, sometimes she will leave her phone's hotspot on all day, therefore meaning that I am online all day!! Isn't that great?

Scenarios are always welcome to be requested!

The Author will also upload scenarios made by herself.

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