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It has been years - 8 years exactly - since the barrier was broken and monsters were freed from their condiments. Freed from the never ending darkness and same places, some could say it was an end to their darkness , other could say it was the end to their never ending repeated loop. Sans , the skeleton , could say it was more of a latter for him, considering what he has been secretly going through with... them. He thought the loop would repeat , and repeat , and continue on but - guess he was wrong with the whole ' people can't change ' thing that had been going through his mind as the child that had used to cause him great pain finally stopped with everything they've brought to him. Only confirming and showing sans that their soul had finally ended with being only of determination and now more of a mix on justice and determination from all they've been through for the past 8 years with everyone as an ambassador.

It has been 6 years since the subspecies version of monsters had started popping out and appearing around the world from the enormous around of magic now surrounding the world because of monsters. 6 years since the whole world learned about the beings , now called as Bittybones - or just bitties - and started working around to help them. All in all , it has been 4 years since sans went into a training to learn how to care of the bittybones, learned of their way in thinking , as well as made his own shop to begin everything. He didn't really do it for shits and giggles, earning every requirement he needed to help around the small bitties after a ... traumatic scene he saw with those little guys. He wanted to help them , help the bitties get the home they all needed , get into a place filled with love and hope as well as help any others abandoned to get back up. So instead of working as a scientist, like he used to before, he ended up working as a caretaker.

Of course , his brother seemingly joined in after learning how to take care of the little species and wanting the same for them as sans did. And honestly , seeing how sans was truly happy and not his lazy old self - he just felt the want and need to be by his side , of course - this was more like a side job and hobby for him as he still worked as a mascot for the monsters and he worked as a small time chef in a little 4 star restaurant. It was his life , and he was enjoying it all.

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