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Not me updating after months of not being here. This is gonna be super long. Don't know when I'll update this book again since I wanna update many others lol. Also — please tell me if this chapter was good — might make every single one them like this if y'all want.

It was a nice day outside , the store wasn't as filled as it had been on the first day of opening it — actually , it wasn't at all filled — not that the owner of the said establishment cared as much , he only cared when the good apples stayed and adopted one of his kiddos. And that was it — and also cared when the bad time takers went and tried to break his rules of course.

The flowers were blooming and the birds were singing outside — all whilst inside Sans the skeleton was sitting in the front office with a lazy smile on his face as he stared at the lil bro bitty with interest and amusement as the little being punned around with a bitty version of himself. His own brother , Papyrus , was off in the kit section of the adoption / bitty items store center - playing and taking care of the little newbies that just appeared or came into the world.

Just as Sans was about to give on a pun himself — the bell of the door chimed as if alarmed him and the many other bitties about the incoming of a random customer , or soon to be adopter.

" Mh ? Heya there , what can I do for you ? Are you here to buy something or — ? "

Sans started , not moving from his place behind his desk as he looked at the female in front of him. She looked young but at the same time — knew what she was doing and wanted. His white eye lights bobbed slightly at the feeling of her intent — it wasn't malicious and it wasn't bad actually , in fact — it was filled with determination and care as she stepped closer.

Hearing her response of wanting a companion for herself , Sans smile became a little more genuine than the usual plastered one he had whenever someone came around him. Hearing her speak a little more — he listened to her , seemingly figuring out who she was as a person in a matter of seconds. He moved his head lower , hiding his left eye with his boney hand — leaving a small crease to look through as he closed the other eye socket for a moment. He was about to use his judgement eye — before he was stopped.

All of a sudden , he felt a very small tug on his left sleeve , causing him to look down at a blue tinted , yellow speckled grillby type of bitty — he looked at where they pointed. " Oh , thanks little guy , " Sans said softly as he grabbed a paper.

" So , ya wanna adopt one of this little guys , ey ? Okay , here's a form ya gotta fill. Let's me know what type of kiddo fits with you or if you have a bit you want. Just let's me know a little bit more about you overall. "

The skeleton said as he handed the paper , with a pen ,  to the female with a little smile. The said human being only nodded enthusiastically and went to take a seat to fill up the paper. And Sans's attention was overturned as soon as she sat , having not seen anything wrong with the overall's wearing kiddo. His non existent gut was telling him that she wasn't going to be one of those bad apples he was thinking about earlier. So the process for this won't be bad.

In fact — even the bitties haven't seen much wrong from the female that some headed over to her direction — seeing as the place wasn't filled and they had a moment of freedoms in where they wouldn't be stepped on. Sans didn't mind at all also as his view turned to the kit section where he saw Papyrus looking at him with a big smile and baby bitties all over him. With a sparkling look , the taller of both gave a thumps up as if asking a question — in where sans answered back with a genuine smile and a thumbs up back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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