Gift of the Mind

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"You're lying!"I said, confident with my answer, "How do you know?" the ignorant fool replied back. "You're eye went to the top-right of your eye, a sign of fabrication and fibbing." "Damn! Your good Wills, your like a psychic or something!" 

The mind of a human is easily predictable. Their body subconciously moves with their thoughts. Once you have The Gift of the Mind, you can read people with no doubt. No superpowers, psychics nothing just the knowledge of psychology is enough. To be able to answer questions by just reading minds is a great gift exclusive to only some people. 

Anything can be hepful for a Mentalist. A body movement, their friends even ONE SINGLE tweet with no more than 140 characters; ALL USEFUL.

Reading people takes a lot of skill and concentration. You have to observe every single tiny movement a person makes. A twitch of the eye, a tap of their feet. I miss and the evaluation can be wrong. I have the weakness of youth but the advantage of intelligence. It takes guts to start a mentalist club alone. The aim of the mentalist club is to help people out. We want to help people make their lves easier by putting their mind at ease in a question. Right now, I am the only club member.

I guess it's fair enough that we don't have any requests so far. Being only 15, people get very critical of my mentalist abilities. But they don't know that I have an IQ of 161! Top 0.6% of the world's IQ! Then again it is a measly school club and I only started it last month. It'll take some time for the club to get popular.

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