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Four years later.

In troll village, in their pod branch was sleeping in their bed.

A Male trolling frond got on the bed.

"Dad." Frond said.

He groaned.

"Come on we're having Sunday breakfast." Frond said.

"Well wake me up when it's time for Sunday dinner." Branch said.

He got off the bed and tried to pull him off the bed.

In the kitchen.

A teenage thirteen year old girl called rosie sat down at the dinner table.

Elsa sat down next to her.

"Good morning rosie." Elsa said.

"Morning aunt Elsa." Rosie said.

Jack frost was feeding a baby trolling called twig.

"Hey mom can I have pancakes." Rosie said.

"Sure." Poppy said.

"Wait a minute. Why are you giving me a chocolate milkshake." Rosie said.

"Why do you ask?" Poppy said.

"I finally got dad up. He is not a morning person." Frond said.

"No, no daddy's a night person." Branch said.

"Hey Elsa can I talk to you for a second." Poppy said.

"Okay." Elsa said.

They opened the refrigerator and talked with they're heads in the refrigerator.

"So I haven't told frond and rosie that hermione, harry and their son romeo are moving in with us." Poppy said.

"Chicken." Elsa said.

"Yes I know I'm a chicken for not telling them." Poppy said.

"No chicken in the fridge. I want one." Elsa said.

She grabbed a chicken leg.

"So I need to find a way to break it to them." Poppy said.

She reached for another chicken leg and grabbed it.

"I spilled the beans." Elsa said.

"You told them?!" Poppy said.

"No I spilled the beans in your fridge." Elsa said.

"Hey mom can I have whipped cream on my milkshake?" Rosie said.

"Sure." Poppy said.

"Okay you're definitely hiding something." Rosie said.


"Okay so when we go in there, I want you to behave." Hermione said.

"I still don't understand why we have to move in." Romeo said.

"Because poppy is under a lot of stress so we're helping her." Harry said.

"Doesn't she have branch for that?" Romeo said.

"Well he's sometimes busy too." Hermione said.

"Well nothing is gonna get me in that pod." Romeo said.

Harry threw her phone inside and it landed on the couch.

"That was so evil... but extremely effective." Romeo said walking inside.

"Okay so I have to tell you too something." Poppy said.

"Hello everyone." Hermione said.

"More people in the house! Yay!" Frond said.

"Oh no." Rosie said.

"I missed you guys." Harry said.

"You didn't tell me they were moving in." Rosie said.

"I tried to." Poppy said.

Harry put a drawing on the refrigerator.

"Wow I like romeo's hand turkey." Branch said.

"No that's mine." Harry said.

"Come on twig what's it gonna take for you to eat you're baby food." Jack frost said.

"Hey I have a question where's our baby." Elsa said.

Jack frost thought for a second.

"Oh my God we left Darren!" Jack frost said freaking out.

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