Chapter Six

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—Season One Episode Six—

—Last time—

I couldn't stay here. I hid the thing inside the trench coat and hit as well. I decided to open a portal and walked inside.

I was in a forest and stayed. I closed it. I laid down and let the darkness consume me.



I woke up with a pounding headache. I opened my eyes and sat up. I yawned and opened a portal.

I went inside. I saw that I was in Court's room. She was changing and I immediately closed my eyes.

I said "Sorry! I'll just turn around." As I did that and she said "It's fine. Anyways I'm done changing."

I said "That's good. Anyways I tried to call my parents yesterday and it seemed they were busy."

She said "Are you going to call them again." I said "Yeah. Anyways how did it go with Rick." She said "Good. He's going to help us."

I said "That's good." I realised that I was covered in dirt. I said "I should wash clothes and take a shower."

She said "You do that." I turned around and tried to find my trench coat.

I grabbed my cube and I said "Anyways I'll be back." As I had different clothes, but the same hoodie but cleaned.

I also freshen up my teeth. I put the hoodie back on and hid my ear and tail.

I went back into Court's room and she said "Do you want breakfast?" I said "Yeah. Sadly I can't go hunting."

She said "Wait here." I nodded at her. She quickly went downstairs. I just want to go back into changing into other animals.

She came up with a toast and milk. I took it and ate it and drank it. I said "Anyways you still want to train?"

She nodded at me and I said "Do you know where we could train?" She said "We could train at Pat's mechanic place."

I said "That sounds good. Anyways don't you have school." She nodded at me and left the room.

I opened a portal again and went inside. I went to the forest and decided to stay around.

I walked around and felt like someone was watching me. I ignored it.

— 4 hours later—

I woke up by footsteps. I sat up and looked around. Their wasn't anything. I stretched and opened a portal.

I went inside and I noticed a brick wall. I looked around and noticed that I was in a alleyway. I closed the portal.

I left the alleyway and walked towards inside the town. I saw some people. I walked towards a fast food place.

As I got to a place that seemed to be healthy. Mostly because their were poster for healthy food.

I went inside and saw a girl with her friends. They must've have a good time. I got some food for myself.

One girl was starting at me, but I ignored it. I bought my food and stayed by myself.

I just ignore some stares thrown at me. As I finished my food and left the place. I sneakily went to the alleyway.

I opened a portal and went inside. I closed it quickly again. As I was in Court's place and saw her with Pat.

I coughed and Court said "You ready?" I said "Yep." Pat said "Are you going to be easy on the others or Court."

I said "If I have to be rough then I could be, but it depends on-." Until we heard a ringing. I smiled and went to find my trench coat.

As I found it and went inside the pockets. I took the call. I saw my parents.

I said "Hey dad and mom!" Dad said "Hey princess. I see you called us yesterday, but we have news."

I looked confused and mom said "You have a sister." I said "Really?! I mean this is good. Wait? Is she a human or have powers."

Mom said "She's human, but adopted. Anyways her name is Jennifer."

I said "That's awesome. I'll come for Christmas. Let me ask a question it's not about Jen. I mean I love her already."

Dad said "What is it princess?" I said "I'm having trouble with my animal powers. I'll show you."

I took my hoodie and showed them. They laughed. I said "Why so funny?" Dad said "Could mean two things. Girl things or you found your mate."

I said "What?! It can't mean the first thing, but the second thing might be possible. I know five people."

Dad said "Is their something different about them." I said "I mean Beth-." Oh my god I'm so stupid. I said "Oh. Now I get it. Anyways I love you guys bye."

They told me bye and I ended the call. Court said "So a mate huh? What could that ever mean." I said "It means I have someone to call a girlfriend or a boyfriend."

Pat said "You girls talk about this. I'm going to leave." We both nodded and he left, but closed the door.

I sighed and Court said "So Beth is the reason why your animal power is messing up." I said "Yeah I think I need to talk too her."

She said "When we are training." I nodded at her.

—20 minuets later—

I trained Court only because I think I can train the others later. But I feel like she was being inpatient with her powers.

She can't rely with the powers that she has. I know that I don't rely on my powers much.

Pat did told us that everything will be okay. Only because of what he told me about the new team.

But I believe on Court and the team. As we were don't training. I opened a portal, but in the forest.

I stayed their and laid down. I let the darkness consume me.

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