Chapter Ten

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—Last time—

I laid down and thought about how I saved Cindy or that I lied to my mate. Also thinking about telling them the truth, but time will tell.

I let the darkness consumed me.


—Season One Episode Ten—


I woke up with a nightmare. I opened my eyes and adjusted them. I reached into my pocket and back too Bart.

—4 hours later—

Doing that mission with him wasn't easy, but it seems he still needs help if he likes or not.

I got back to Court's earth. But made a portal into her room. As I got to her room, but didn't see her. I closed that portal.

I opened a portal to the forest. I went inside and closed it quickly. I changed into a wolf.

I have to figure a way to tell them on Cindy. They could probably hate me forever or immediately put me in with the villains.

Time will tell. As I got back and it was morning. I was at the forest and I felt like I should be nervous about how I'll be talking to Beth or mostly friendship.

I changed back and I made a portal towards Court's room and I saw her sleeping. I immediately went back in and stayed at the forest.

—The next day—

I woke up with a nightmare and I adjusted my eyes. I stretched my legs and yawned.

I opened a portal again and went inside. I was in Court's room again. I saw her sighing.

I said "What's wrong?" She said "My mom found out about me being StarGirl and she was mad like really mad."

I said "Don't worry too much. I mean I had a best friend was concerned and mad. She was first mad that I didn't tell her soon and concerned that I would get hurt.

Granted she was a bad person. Anyways maybe you should hear your mom out."

She nodded at me. She left her room.

—4 hours later—

I mostly stayed at the forest to hunt food for myself, but it was really boring. I mean what can you do? In the forest.

Besides being a animal, but it gets really boring for awhile. I decided to explore the town mostly because it felt at ease.

As I explored around and decided to meet up with Court. I saw her and walked towards her.

I saw Henry. They seem to be talking about something. As I got close too them.

Court saw me and she said "Hey." I put my head up like a hello. I said "So what's brainwave kid is doing here?"

He said "And who are you?" I said "Right manners. My name is Y/n and I'm here to help Court with the JSA stuff."

He said "That's good." I nodded at him. Court said "We can help your father and get my staff back."

I said "Wait? What happened to your staff?" She said "The ISA has it." I said "Don't you worry. We will get it back." She smiled at me.

He said "Do we have a plan?" Court said "We sneakily go inside and try to find your dad and then my staff. But we have to know if the team will be okay with that."

I said "Listen I know Rick and Yolanda don't like him, but you know I have your back." She smiled at me again.

She said "Thank you." I said "You're welcome anyways I have something to do. So I'll be back."

She nodded at me. I left them and walked towards somewhere else.

As I was far and changed into a raven and flew towards the forest. I need to train for a bit.

I somehow need to not lose focus on the missions.

—2 hours later—

As I was done training and changed into a raven and flew towards Court and I saw her house.

I saw her and the rest. I flew towards her window and tapped on it. Beth opened it and I went inside.

I changed into a human and I said "So what's the plan." Court explained too me and I was excited to just do the mission for her.

As we got back too the school and we walked towards where the secret tunnel is.

We went inside and saw a lot of tunnels of course. As for me I was quiet mostly because a mission can also go wrong.

Everyone looked so cool with their costumes. I think I should change the trench coat into something else.

We got somewhere and Court said "We have to split up. Beth, Rick, and Yolanda go together."

Yolanda said "You always say to stick together. I'm watching your back." I said "I don't care who I'm with, but we need to focus on the mission."

Court said "Fine Yolanda. Y/n you go with Rick and Beth. What Y/n said we need to stick to the mission."

We went our separate ways. As I stuck with them and it was kinda awkward.

So I made small talk with both of them. So it wouldn't be awkward as heck.

As we were walking for ages and saw a door that was really huge. Rick was getting mad and he used his powers on it.

I said "Dude let's go. It's not our mission." Beth said "Y/n is right. We don't have a lot of time."

Rick didn't listened to us. He tried to open the door with his powers. I began to pry him off and he wouldn't budge.

Until I saw some rocks coming down. I said "Let's go! Come on!" Until Beth said "Who are they?"

We turned around and saw people in robes. Rick used his power and took them down.

We began to run until I saw the others. We ran away until we hit a dead end.

The dead end had bars and Rick preyed the bar lines to open. Yolanda and Beth got to the other side.

Until it closed by it self. I looked behind me and saw some dude. I used my bad wolf side and ran towards him.

He slammed me to the wall. I yelped. He said "Henry. Don't make me do this."

Henry said "Please! Mom saw how good you can be. I know Jordan killed her, but please!"

Henry's dad said "Jordan didn't killed her. I did. I had to choose and I choose the ISA. So join by my side."

Henry looked mad and he said "I'll never choose you!" I try to fight off of whatever was holding me back.

I changed to my human side, but had my mask to hide my identity. I used my demon's power and used it on Henry's dad.

He took a step back and I was free. I ran towards them. Henry opened the bar lines.

Henry told Court to go and then me. She went. I said "I want to help!" Henry said "You can't! Just go!"

I went inside and he closed it. Henry's dad and Henry were battling. Until all the rocks landed on Henry. I started to cry and then the whole team.

I used a portal and we went inside. We landed at a forest. I closed the portal quickly.

I said to Yolanda "I'm sorry." I hugged her and she hugged me back. I said "We don't know what to do." Court said.

—To be continued—

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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