𝟭𝟲. vigilantes

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    𝐆uiding Mako and Bolin to the men's dormitory wasn't exactly her plan when Jinora decided to drag her off with them

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    𝐆uiding Mako and Bolin to the men's dormitory wasn't exactly her plan when Jinora decided to drag her off with them. But when Meelo followed after them, she decided it wouldn't be too bad. Believe it or not, he makes everything more happier and interesting. Maybe that's why she hangs around the little boy a lot. Besides, the two shared the same humor. Sometimes, it is easier to hang with someone when you share the same interests as them.

     "Here's your room," Cloud muttered, sliding the translucent doors open.

     "Thanks, Cloudy." Mako nodded in acknowledgment, entering the abode with a small smile, which was a bit strange since the dude never smiles unless he's truly happy.

     She didn't have much to say to him so she just shrugged in response and walked off, leaving the two kids to deal with him.

    Cloud was a bit infuriated after hearing that there was a new Chief of Police, and it was not Lin Beifong. She might be a little rough on the outside, but she was a good person. Strangely enough, Cloud gets along with the older woman. Saikhan, or whatever his name was, had been assigned as the new chief, and much to her surprise, it had something to do with Tarrlok again. Annoying ponytail man. She thought, using Ikki's nickname for the man.

      As the sun came down, she and Meelo walked━more like air scooter-ed━around the island and found the two brothers with Asami and Korra. Hearing their conversation, Meelo suddenly airbends up and descended, farting on top of their hands. The four expressed their shock and disgust at once by widening their eyes.

     "Yeah, let's do it!" Meelo beamed before speaking in confusion. "What are we doing?"

     The five youngsters, including Cloud, burst out with laughter at the young airbender's antics. Meelo grinned goofily despite not knowing what was going on.

     A few moments later, even though Cloud wasn't there with them earlier, the four decided to make her a part of the new Team Avatar. It made her heart ache from happiness, but finding their ride was the most challenging, Naga tried but she couldn't carry all five of them. Cloud insisted on taking her glider instead, but the group was persistent, which left a small pout on her face because she didn't want to leave her glider alone.

    Asami offered an idea and it was the one that worked well with the group. She drove the car, Make in the front seat with her as Bolin, Korra, and Cloud squished in the backseat. Asami changed the gears before driving off to patrol the big city, the radio in the car cackling to life. One thing is for sure, she was one hell of a badass woman. Cloud liked that about her.

     "Unit two sixteen, cancel that ten fifty-eight at Harmony Tower. Come back to the station, over," The Police dispatcher spoke through the radio before it cut off.

      "My dad had police scanners installed in all of his cars," Asami said bitterly. "I guess now I know why."

     "Calling all units, Level Four Alert. Jailbreak at headquarters. Officers down, electrocuted. Chi blockers and Equalist convicts are still at large armed and dangerous." The team looked at the radio with intent. "Last seen heading east. I repeat, Level Four Alert. Equalist jailbreak!"

     With the last two words, Asami suddenly stomped on the brakes of the car as a truck and several Equalist motorcyclists rushed through the traffic in front of them.

     "Chi blockers!"

     "That's them!"

     "Let's get 'em!"

     Asami changed the gears again and began the car chase. Cloud gripped on whatever she could hold onto as the vehicle zoomed past the streets. Cars twirled and stopped from crashing into the truck as it plowed through the street. The black-haired girl easily dodged the cars and still tailed the chi blockers, but then a massive truck blocked their way.

     "Korra! Bolin! Give me a ramp! Now!"

     Cloud ducked down and grabbed onto the seats as Korra and Bolin earthbends a massive ramp that sent the satomobile soaring into the air before landing safely, resuming their chase. Mako tried to use his lightning and struck one of the chi blocker's motorcycles, making the chi blocker fall to the ground. Bolin earthbends some earth darts and hits the wheel of another motorcycle, causing the chi blocker to fall. Asami easily dodged the fallen cyclist.

     The rest of the chi blockers used one of those smoke screens again and threw it right in front of them. Not being able to see, Asami put on her goggles and noticed the chi blockers turning to the right. Bolin and Korra helped Asami make a turn as the two earthbends a giant, angled curve, making the car swerve up before landing back on the street. Resuming the chase once again.

     "They don't know we made the turn. Okay, get ready."

     Asami sped the car to ram the motorcyclists, flinging them into the air, however, some of them landed on top of the bonnet. Mako tried to firebend but his arm was wrapped up by the Equalist's bola, he used his other arm but it got wrapped up as well. The other Equalist jumps in front of Bolin and chi blocks his arm before he can attack, making him fall back into his seat. Asami successfully electrocuted the chi blocker with her glove, causing the Equalist to fall on the backseat.

     Cloud moved back a little in the small space while the vehicle continued moving. She quickly grabbed Mako by his shirt when the first Equalist attempted to pull him out of his seat. Cloud sent an air blast at his face, but her fist accidentally struck his nose instead, a numbing feeling shooting up her arm, but she merely ignored it. She caused the Equalist to fall over into the car where Asami electrocuted him. Mako chucked the unconscious Equalist to the back and prepared for another lightning strike.

     Asami drove closer to the truck so the driver can be seen, and Mako shot his lightning at the driver, rendering him unconscious. The truck began to swerve before tumbling to its sides, hitting a lamppost as it stopped.

     Cloud sat on the hood of their satomobile, checking her knuckles that looked a bit red as the new team waited for the police to arrive. The reporters were taking photos of the scene, but they didn't say anything. Tarrlok and his goons arrived not long after━which didn't make anything better, but the team was satisfied with their work. I mean, what's better than breaking the rules? Nothing. Especially when it was a fraud's rules.

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