Chapter 1 The Beginning

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No one's POV (point of view)
"Tonight, Jazzy freed the monsters, for the 130th times. Well no matter, at least he regret his actions. Now, what am I doing here?"A cat monster wearing a lime green jacket with a hoodie on her head and black pants with green stripes said to herself as she was sitting all alone on top of the mountain. She then looks up in the sky to see many stars shining in the sky.
      Suddenly, she realized that she is not alone. A dark flower came out of ground. "Well well well, if it's not that Kitty Cat that got freed from the Underground once again. Now what are doing here?" He asked her. " Well that is a good question. Actually I don't actually know what I'm doing here." she replied to the flower with a smile. "I  can't believe you don't know what you're doing." He said with a grumpy face. " Come on, sometimes you does that too, am I right Julius? Don't try to hide it. I knew longer than anyone else. " She said with a wide smile on her face." Don't call me that Cins. Just forget what I said. Anyway, the moon is bright tonight." Julius said. Cins just can't resist the opportunity to snap a picture of the flower. He then realized that Cons just took a picture of him. "WHY! JUST WHY YOU HAVE TO BE AN ANNOYING MUNCHKIN!! " He sream at her." Come on, don't be so mad. Anyway is that really a mooon? "
She asked him like she was not that smart." OF COURSE IT'S A MOON! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT IT. STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ARE NOT THAT SMART!! " He yelled at her. Then she answered" But it doesn't Grazing."
This made Julius yelled and said something at her but she doesn't care what he said.
      "Alright, let's get back to the others. Lai must have been worrying about me." Cins told Julius that make him forgot about what he wanted to said to her." Alright, let's go." He said with a angry face. When they both almost reach to the other monsters place, suddenly, they heard something. "I see that you had a happy ending there, Cat. But do you think it will last that long?" This make both of them became wary." Who's there?! "Cins said. "Show yourself!!" Julius yelled and it make Cins think 'How do you know what I'm gonna said'. "Just someone who's gonna ruin your HAPPY ENDING. "  She saw a light and then she blacked out. .......

Ori's POV
I woke up in a field that doesn't have any sign of live. Ow! Why my head hurts. I wonder is there are anyone here. I started to wandering in the field and shouted "Lai! Julius! Slaze! Basicus! Where are you guys!" But no answer. It was dark since it was midnight. Man it's not that cold but still I don't think there any other survivors around here. Suddenly, I hear like someone got hurt so I rushed over there and to find a grey munchkin monster cat wearing a black jacket with a yellow zip and a green and yellow shirt and she looks like. Well looks like me.

That's all I can do today. Just wait for the next chapter to publish. Enjoy! (Even though it short).

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