Part 24

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Time skip
Someone was shaking my shoulder lightly
Q- baby Wake up , were here
C- we are ?
Q- yeah ...
I walked out the door and there it was , back to sway LA ...
We walked in the house and we all unpacked
Q- need any help unpacking??
C- I guess so
Q- how is it possible for Crystal to be good at packing , but not unpacking *laughs*
C- tbh I don't even know *laughs*
We started kissing , that turned out to be a make -out session , until I broke it
C- are you going to help me unpack ?
Q- *smirks *yh I will
He helped me unpack and then we just layed in bed
C- how about we watch a movie ??
C- ok geez*laughs*
We got some popcorn , chocolate and soda and watched riverdale
Joshs pov
Bryce , Jaden and I were making tik toks , Crystal and Quinton were in their room doing god knows what   (a/n btw , Crystal and Quinton now share a room , as I said in the beginning of the story , they have separate rooms , but now they share )
Then I got a call , from a number i didn't  have .
On call  (s - Stranger)
J- hello?
S- Hello , sorry to be bothering you at this time , but is this Josh Richards speaking ?
J- yes
S- I'm afraid I have some horrible news ......
J- I'm listening
S- well.......
Quintons pov
Crystal and I were watching riverdale , snacking on popcorn and drinking soda . I enjoyed spending every second with her , I love her to pieces . Later I then got a text from josh .
Josh👊🏻- Quin meet me downstairs now , don't bring Crystal
Quin 🤠- on my way
Weird ....
Q- babe I'm going downstairs quickly , I will be back
C- ok baby , love you
Q- love you more
Back to Crystals POV
Quin left the room and he hadn't been back in a while , I got suspicious so I went to go look for him ...
I was silently going down the stairs so No one could hear me ...
J- fuck dude!!
Q- I'm so sorry bro
B- we are all going to be here for you and Crystal.
What the hell are all those weirdos talking about ?? 
Josh sounded really upset and I got worried
B- are we going to tell her ??
I then walked up to them
C- tell me what
Q- baby I will be up in a second , go back to the room
C- no I'm not going , tell me what's going on !
Josh had tears in his eyes , so something bad happened....
J- emm ok , I got a call from Arizona Hospital and they said that .....
C- spit it out !
J- they said that ..... when our parents got back home from California, during the night , when they were sleeping , the house was on fire and they couldn't escape , they inhaled too much smoke , and I'm so sorry Crystal , but they didn't make it ....
My heart was pounding , my blood was boiling . One hand was covering my mouth and one hand was covering my stomach. I felt like I had to throw up . I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up . I dropped to floor Crying . Quinton followed me and he gave me the most heart warming hug ever , but I was still crying .
C- they are gone and I never got to see them one last time !!!! *sobbing*
Q- shhhhhh , everything is going to be ok
C- my whole life is ruined !!
Q- don't say that , your life is just ahead of you ....
I got out of  Quintons grip and I ran out of the house . It was pouring with rain , but I didn't give a fuck .
I sat on the bench and just stared at the stars whilst it was raining in my eyes . I got loads of calls from Quinton , Josh , the  rest of the sway boys and Addison
I didn't pick any up .
But then I got a call from a random number , and I answered
C- hello?
I still had the sad voice
A- hello babe , miss me ?
A- bingo
C- you picked a really bad time
A- emm actually I picked the perfect time sweetie
C- don't call me that
A- looks like someone is feisty today ... oh and sorry for your loss ...
C- what are you talking about ?
A- don't act stupid, your parents silly
C- how do you know about that ?
A- emm I'm the reason they died . *evil laugh*
C- What?! Your the reason my parents died ?!!! Your the one who lit the house on fire ?!!
A- your clever
C- why did you have to do it ?!
A- did you u really think I was going to let you be ? Live the perfect life , with your perfect boyfriend, besties and all them dickheads ??!! Oh no , I thought it would be fun maybe , Instead if killing you , I thought it would be better to hurt the people you love
C- no Alex please , don't do this
A- shut up , I want you to come to my house , now , I will send you the location , if you don't listen to me , well then , I guess your besties are next ...
C- ok ok , I'm coming
A- good girl  , oh and more thing , turn your location of on your phone.
End of call
I started crying even more , knowing the person who killed my parents . I got the address and I called an Uber . The Uber arrived and he drove me to the place. It took 30 min to get there , and I was crying throughout the whole ride . I called Addison
On call
A- hello?
C- hi
A- oh my god Crystal !! I'm at the sway house , we are all worried about you !!
C- put the phone on speaker , so everyone can listen
A- ok , its on speaker
Q - Crystal ! Get back home baby , I'm worried about you *he was crying*
C- I want all of you to know , I love you all and I will always  *i started Crying , worried if I might die from Alex *
J- sis , get back home now !
C- I love you all *cries even more *
End of call
Unfortunately i arrived and knocked on the door , my heart skipped a million beats , until he opened the door
A- Hi , I got a little Surprise! Stranger Come down here !
I heard footsteps from the stairs and I saw KIO
C- what the fuck !!
A- hey !Shut up !! Be nice to him
K- miss me ??
C- not a bit
He slapped me round the face
A- get in you pig
He dragged me indoors by the hair and put me in a room
A- the only rules for you , is to be quiet and don't fight back , you don't want to end up back in the hospital! Understand?
I nodded
K- your a good listener
The both laugh and I'm just in the corner of the room crying in my knees
Addison POV
She ended the call and we all were shocked and worried .
A- why would she say that ??
B- it sounded as if it was goodbye , for good
A- Her  location is turned of !
Then we all got a notification, getting mentioned in a photo that a fan took
A- oh my god
It was Crystal outside a house and Alex and Kio were there .
Quinton and Josh were  balling their eyes out and I was having a panic attack
B- baby , look at me , she is going to be ok .
A - Remember the last time Alex was with her ?! She ended up in the hospital, now Kio is their !!
B- shh it's going to be ok
A- no it's not , My best Friend is going to die , if we don't find her !!!
B- Anthony ? You were best friends with Kio , do you know what place that is ?!
Anthony took a look at that photo
An- oh my god , yeah I do ! Come on guys
B- Addi, stay here in case anyone comes here
Ja- I will stay here too
The boys left and Jaden and I were comforting each other , we went on our phones to find out any late news
Back to Crystals POV
Alex and Kio were rapping me , I was in pain and I was crying .
A- your soo good , I miss you
C- go to hell
Alex started to choke me with his hands . I couldn't breathe.
Time skip
A- that was fun
K- I agree
A- Crystal I will give you a call in a couple days , we will meet again , and if you think about bringing the cops to me , well then I guess you could say bye to your loved ones . Now get your ass outa here !
I limped out of the house and called an Uber .
It arrived and I drove back home .
Time skip
The car pulled over and I walked to the doorstep. I knocked and Jaden opened the door .
Ja- Crystal !!
I dropped to the floor crying and Jaden picked me up in bridal style and placed me on the couch
A- omg Crystal ,
She started Crying
C- WhErE Is JoSh ? oR QuIn ?
Ja - I'm calling them
On call
J- hello , Jaden any news ?!?!
Ja- big news , Crystal is here and she is in pain ... I think she got *whispers*raped
J- WHAT THE FUCK !! IM coming home with the guys
Joshs POV
We found out Crystal is safe and back home , but I'm going to visit Alex and Kio soon , we stopped the car and drove back home .....
1590 words

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