Part 26 💀

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It was now 21:00pm the time to leave .... I said my final goodbyes to everyone and they all cried , which made me cry as well .
C- I promise I will come back
Quinton and I hopped in the car and drove of.
We arrived at the place and there was a car .
C- Stay here , I love you Quin
Q- I love you too
I hopped out the car , and left it unlocked.
Then the car lights started shining in my eyes , so i couldn't see
A- well , well , well , I missed you
C- where's Kio ?? ....
Just then I felt sharp metal , against my throat ...
k- I'm right behind you sweetie , don't make a move , or I will cut your throat .....
A- now lets see , I'm thinking , we should go back to my place , and have a little fun .
C- go to hell Alex
Just then Punched Kio , making him Drop to the floor . I took the knife out of his hand and walked up to Alex .
A- oooo feisty , your not a pussy*laughs*
A- you might want to keep your mouth shut !
He pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at my head .
A- throw the knife away , or I won't hesitate to shoot you
I did what he said and threw the knife away.
A-Now get in the c...... OWWWW
I was so confused , why was he screaming in pain , he then fell to the floor and I saw the knife jabbed into his leg. It was Quinton .
C- Quin!!! Thank you
I took the gun and pointed it at Alex's head
A- oh come on , you won't shoot me , your a pussy
C- who said ?!
I pulled the trigger and shot him. I feel like a freak , but now Alex won't ever hurt me , I finally feel happy , for once . I threw the gun away from me and hugged Quinton
Q- I love you , and your a total badass *laughs*
K- thanks for the gun , bitch
Kio took a shot at Quinton, and it hit him in the stomach .
C- Quin !!!!Stay with me !!!
Q- I L-love you...
he started to close his eyes , but I kept shaking him
C- no Quin , stay awake , don't close your eyes !!!
I started Crying , and then I felt a hard object , leaning in my head
K- get up
I calmly took the knife from the floor and stood up to see Kio pointing the gun in my head
K- you know , you've always been a brat , always getting what you want . *laughs* now you know how it feels like to be hurt ,emotional and physically!!
C- no ... you know how it feels to get hurt
I jabbed the knife in Kio and got the gun and shot him .
I called an ambulance for Quin and then josh
On call
J- Crystal ?!
C- Josh get here now ! Quin got shot and I need to get to the hospital
J- I'm on my way !! Stay strong .
Josh arrived and saw Quin , he started to cry and then later the ambulance arrived
They took Quin , and I hopped in , holding Quins hand . Josh followed us behind with his car .
We arrived at the hospital and they took him in , and had surgery
We were waiting in the waiting area with Josh and then later the sway arrived and so did Addison as she is staying with us a couple days .
A- OMG Crystal *hugs*are you ok ??
C- no I'm not , I'm worried if Quin won't make it
A- shhh , he will , he's strong. Trust me
B- what happened with Alex and Kio ?
I stood there silently
C- I'm a freak
J- no your not
C- yes I am , I killed them
J- you did that to protect everyone.
Everyone hugged me and we all waited for a couple of hours.
D- Quinton Griggs?
We all stood up
D- he just got out of surgery , and he is stable , he hasn't woken up yet , but we need to send Crystal for Questioning.
I felt relieved that Quinton will be ok but I'm nervous for the questioning
The doctor led me to the room and there was a guy sat there at the table ...
S- hello Crystal , my name is Agent Adams , please have a seat.
I took a seat
A-so I will be just asking some questions
C- okay
A- so who was Alex to you ?
C- he was my ex
A- and who was Kio to you ?
C- he was a friend
A- can you explain to me what happened , in detail ?
C- emm ok so , First me and my friends were at a forest cabin for a mini vacation and then a couple days went on and then Kio tried to assault me
A- sexually ??
C- yes
A- go on
C- so we kicked him out and then he went , god knows where . So when we arrived back at home , I found out my parents died , so I left the house , too have time to myself and then I got a call from Alex......
I continued explaining the whole story whilst Agent Adams , was writing notes
A- oh okay , so I'm so sorry for your loss and by the way , do you have a career
C- yes I'm a model , and a social media influencer
A- okay , so do you have an idea of who you want your legal guardian to be ?
C- emm I'm not too sure
A- okay so I will give you this form and fill it out to who you want your legal guardian to be , and then email it to me . Oh and make sure they fill it in as well ....
C- okay thank you ..... but em am I guilty of murder ??
A- no , don't worry about that , your innocent , as they started it .
C- okay thank you
I left the room and went back to the waiting area ...
j- so how did it go
C- all good , I'm innocent and they gave me this form for a legal guardian, but I'm not sure who
J- I will be your guardian
C- are you sure ??
J- of course, your my sister
I hugged him
C- ok , fill this out
He filled out the form and so did I , and then I emailed it to Agent Adams .
Now we waited for an extra 1 hour
D- Quinton Griggs ??
C- yeah ?!
D- he woke up , you can go see him
I rushed to the room , everyone stayed behind .
I walked in and their he was
Q- hey baby
C- OMG I'm so sorry , I shouldn't of let you go with me
Q- no don't say that , I'm glad I went , your safe now ..... what happened to Alex and Kio??
I showed him the gun sign with my fingers and that made him laugh a bit
C- I myself , would've been dead if it wasn't for you
Q- I love you
C- I love you too
Later , the sway house came in and Addison .
J- everything good bud?
Q- yeah , I'm fine
The doctor came in
D- hello everyone , I have good news , Quinton , you can leave today , but you must stay in bed for a couple days , get some rest
Q- okay , thanks doc
Quinton got ready and I helped him in the car .

J- everything good bud? Q- yeah , I'm fine The doctor came in D- hello everyone , I have good news , Quinton , you can leave today , but you must stay in bed for a couple days , get some rest Q- okay , thanks docQuinton got ready and I helped him ...

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Caption- missed you baby @qgriggs

qgriggs- ily❤️✨💋
     ^reply @CrystalRichardsx- ily2 ✨❤️🥺
Nessabarret- glad to hear he is ok 👌🏻
Brycehall- Sway way Baby!!
     Liked by @CrystalRichardsx
AddisonRae- Couple goalzzz
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