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"i cant believe try outs are next week." avermam said.

"i know." dasia replied.

"aye dasia, i bet you're dad has been making you train." russ said.

"he actually has." she said and they all laughed including dasia.

"wish my dad made me train. all he made me do we're sprints." luis said.

"can't relate. he's only making me train because i came across the country to play hockey for this school."

they were all at dasias place laying on her bedroom floor talking and laughing.

"is jayde sleeping?" guy asked.

"no guy, i'm not sleeping." she responded

"oh, sorry. your eyes were closed so i thought you were."

"well, i was in my utopia but since you 'woke me up', i'm not anymore." she said and guy laughed.

"um, what's a utopia?" goldberg asked.

"i think it's a place in africa." jacob said.

"no it's a fancy word for 'imagination'." kenny says.

"oh." goldberg and jacob said.

"damn, i feel smart." ken said.

"not be, like, rude or anything but aren't all asians smart?" goldberg asks.

"stereotypically speaking, yes."

"the hell is sterio- whatever?" jacob questioned.

"look it, and then tell me because i don't know either." dean says as they all laugh. "i bet you get straight a's and shit. huh, kenny?"

"no, i get some...a minuses."

"oh my god." dean said laughing.

"i never knew that staring at a ceiling could be somewhat entertaining." charlie said.

"i know right." jacob said.

"wait jacob, your last names reed right?" dasia asked.

"yes. why?" jacob said.

"just making 'cause i have like a million jacobs on my phone." she responded pulling out her phone and scrolling through the 'j' contacts.

"holy shit really?" he said.

"yeah. see?" she responded showing him her phone.

"how many jacobs could there possibly be in one town?" luis asked.

"well now we know that a lot can, luis." kenny said.

they all laughed and continued to talk.

the ducklings were all excited for what was to come.

hockey tryouts, dasia thought to herself and got up to get ready.

ducks duckings

tryouts today!!!

don't forget

yes we know

thanks for the reminder

*dasia intense eye roll*

i love intense eye rolls :)

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘 𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐒; 𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐍𝐆𝐒 [𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃] Where stories live. Discover now