5. English, Fitz or Percy

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"The state's requiring a physical for Lincoln Burrows." I said to Sara as we both exited Fox River for lunch.

"Would like me to do it instead?" Sara offered knowing my past events.

I smile at her and shook my head. "No. It's ok. The reason why I'm here is for this."

Sara glanced at me for a moment. Not really quite sure if she's gonna say what she wants to say.

"You heard the news, didn't you?" She questioned

"No, what?" I asked her, looking quite confused

She look me directly in the eye. "They're brothers."

"Who?" I added. Not really sure why Sara is taking too long to tell me.

"Burrows and Scofield." She answered, as we both keep on walking.

"Michael Scofield?" I tried to verify, quite taken back by the news.

"Yeah. Katie told me. She said she heard it from one of the C.Os over in gen pop. He didn't say anything to you about it?" She asked.

"No." I answered. Thoughts still trying to process the new information.

"It must be hard to be here, so close to your brother, and not be able to do anything to help him." Sara commented.

I couldn't answer back to that statement. A lot of things started to run through my head. Lincoln Burrows is Michael Scofield's brother?


I was waiting outside of Lincoln's cell. The guards are making sure his shackles are good before letting me enter.

The reason I was here is for me to lessen the heavy feeling that stuck to me ever since this man was sentenced death.

I could've helped him. Him and Michael. But no. I couldn't because I was drowning in drugs and alchohol that time.

"It's all clear." The guard called out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The guard opens the door and I enter.

"Evening, Lincoln." Smiling warmly to the masculine man, whose chained down to his bed.

"Doctor." He nodded at me

"I'm, er, supposed to give you a physical this evening. Let me apologise in advance for the heavy dose of irony that we're about to participate in." I noticed him playing his chains, as I took out the things I need. Maybe trying to shake off some nerves.

"That's fine, just doing your job." He answered back, shaking his head.

I wrap the sphygmomanometer around Lincoln's arm. "Yeah, well, letting the state know that you're healthy enough to execute is not why I went to medical school." Glancing back at him.

"Hmm." He smile as I put the stethoscope on my ear.

"I apologise." I stated.

"It's okay." He assured me.

I inflates the sphygmomanometer, records the result and removes it from Lincoln's arm.

"Alright. I'm, er, gonna need a family medical history from you." I said as I stood up and took out a form.

"Any ailments or conditions that are hereditary. Start with your mom." I began, readying my pen.

"Er, cancer. Liver." He answred.

"Okay, your father?"

He shook his head "Um, split when I was young."

"Siblings?" I asked. Raising my stare from the form.

Lincoln shook his head, not answering.

"Anyone besides Michael?" I added, observing his reaction

Lincoln had a look of shock and turn to look at me

"Fox River's a small town, Lincoln. People around here don't have a whole lot to do besides time and talk..." I explained, meeting his stare.

"Are you close?" I added, when he didn't responded.

Lincoln seems to be in thoughts and took time to respond but he did. "We were."

"How about now?"

"Huh?" He tries processing my question.

"How about now?" I asked again, not taking eyes off of him

"He's been abandoned his whole life. Dad, mom, she died young, and now me." He answered. Voice filled with sorrow.

"You think that's why he's here? 'Cause your-" I tried asking but it seems to be my heart became heavier. I took a deep breath.

"your death would feel like it's happening again?" I finished my question.

Lincoln look up to meet my stare.

"I abandoned him a long time ago. That's why he's here."

Fast Forward

News spread fast. Sara informed me right after Lincoln's check up that Michael is going to be transferred due to unknown reasons.

The following day I couldn't help but watch the scene from my office window. As I hold the files, my eyes are stuck watching at Michael who's being escorted out by two officers.

A lot of inmates are watching him off as well.

My heart broke for him and Lincoln. I'm pretty sure the reason why he did what he did is for him to be with his brother for his remaining weeks. And their just going to take that away from them.

My hold on the files tightens as I realized that even now, I still couldn't help these brothers.

My eyes widens for a moment when I saw Pope walks up to Michael and the guards. I can see them talking for a while, when suddenly the guards started to escort Michael back inside.

What the fuck just happened? Well. Whatever it is. It seems Michael will still be able to stay in Fox River.

I smile at the thought. I thought I'll be losing my favorite patient in Fox River.

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