3, how did you get my number?

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You walk out of your brothers room and your phone starts ringing you looked at the caller ID it said unknown you picked it to anyways and you heard the terrible voice of...
The voice of Payton

Bold- Payton
Regular- you

Hey princess

How the fuck did you get my number Payton

Oh Jackson gave it to me baby girl

OK well can you like leave me alone I don't want to have to listen to you outside if school to

Wow that's just rude

What the hell do you want Payton


Excuse me

Don't make me repeat myself

Fine then I'll repeat myself what the hell do you want Payton

I'll repeat to you

Wtf does that mean

How dumb are you I like you y/n

Excuse me you hurt me almost everyday mentally and physically and almost killed me then you tell me you like me come on Payton I'm not stupid enough to fall for you bullshit

But y/n I actually do like you

Save you fake sob story Payton you don't give a fuck about me and you never have don't  call me again you dumb bitch

You hang up now scared to go to school after tomorrow

Bullied • Payton Moormeier • ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now