Chapter 2 ~ Birthday Horror

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Alex ^^

Skylar's P.O.V

It's my birthday. The day I dread most, even more than the anniversary of my father's death or my mother's. I don't even know why, maybe because the loneliness feel a hundred times worse, or all my best memories come from past birthdays.

All I know is that this day is horrible, and I don't really expect much to come from it.

I climb out of bed and trudge into the bathroom for a quick shower. After, I moisturise my skin and put on some plain black underwear.

I bundle my wet curls into a messy bun at the back of my head and pick out my outfit for the day. A cream white skirt, that flows down to my knees and a knitted black sweater, that has three gold buttons at the top. I leave the first one open but close the bottom two and grab some black ankle boots with a slight heel. I get a slob of Vaseline out of the tub and put it all over my chapped lips.

It's still my birthday so I make myself waffles and drizzle some chocolate sauce over them. I cut a few strawberries up and scatter them all over my steaming hot waffles.

I'm about to dig in when I hear my phone buzzing from the other room. Sighing, I kick back my chair and head into the living room. I pull my phone go charge and see my Aunt Jessica calling.

There's also a message from Will wishing me a happy birthday with about a zillion kisses added on the end. I text back a quick thank you, and then swipe right to answer the call.

"Happy birthday my favourite niece!" She screams into the phone, almost deafening me. Aunt Jessica doesn't do anything half-heartedly.

Once when I was five and I had a bake sale for school, she promised me she would bake all the goodies and let my mum rest. It was the day of the bake sale and she promised to meet us there. I was scared that she had completely forgotten and was quickly nipping to the store to buy some cupcakes when she strolled in with about ten boxes worth of bake goods. She made doughnuts, cake, cookies, s'mores, cupcakes, pop cakes, pie, tarts. It's safe to say we raised the most money for the school fundraiser.

"I'm your only niece." I point out, rolling my eyes as I settle back into my seat.

"So? Anyway, how are you? 18 is a big deal!" It was a big deal. Sadly I could only share it with Will and my Aunt over the phone.

"Eh, it's just a number and anyways, if it's such big then why couldn't you come?"

"You know what the elders would say, you're going to be the next coven leader and you need all the practice you can get. Blah blah blah. I tried to sneak out but they caught me and gave me another warning. I'm sorry boo, I tried." I smiled fondly at the nickname she gave me as a child.

"It's fine, I mean I'll probably just stay in with Will and watch some movies. Maybe order a pizza?" I stuff some more waffles down my throat and pour some more sauce into my plate.

"Hey, it's my treat. The card should be coming and your present is on its way as well. It's not much but I hope you like it."

"You've already done so much for me, a present isn't needed." She is my only family and she helped my dad to raise me. In some ways, she's like a mother figure for me.

"It's only small. So, in other news, Drake was asking about you again." I stopped mid chew and my fork fell onto my plate, whilst the phone slipped out of my hands.

"Sky, Sky are you there?" I snapped out it and picked up the phone again.

"Yeah yeah, I'm here. So, he asked about me?"

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