Chapter 3 ~ Running Away From Destiny

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Jack ^^

Skylar's P.O.V

Mate. I have a mate. All my life I've been preparing myself for the heart-shed that comes from never finding your mate. I always thought that since I'm half witch, a mate was never in the cards for me, but now I have a mate. A mate who's the freaking Alpha to be.

I quickly scramble to get off the bed and force myself to look away from his eyes. I focus on the cream white carpet and harshly pinch my arm to try and wake up from this sick dream.

"Mate. Be with mate."  This is probably the first time I've heard my wolf speak in years, and it's still as strange as ever. There's practically another person, living inside my head, and screaming out a millions different things with all the same consequence, be with Alex.

I can't though. I can't be with him. Being with him means accepting the pack, being with him means being Luna and that instantly puts a dent in my plans to soon escape this horrible place.

"I should go." I mutter, grabbing the towel he dropped onto the floor and wrapping it around my shivering body. In the process, I caught a glance at myself in the mirror and I'm instantly more self-conscious now.

My dress is sopping wet and stuck to my body. The white material is practically see through, showcasing my pitch black underwear, and my mascara is smudged underneath my eyes, resting in big clumps. I'm a mess. Who wants a mess?

"Don't go." His hand reaches out and his fingers clasp around my worst. I freeze in my steps and gasp as tiny jolts of pleasure shoot throughout my body. I know the mate bond was intense, but this is incredible.

Alex's eyes slowly return back to their normal colour and his breathing starts to get under control, as if my touch is soothing his wolf. I can't bring myself to tear away but I know I have to.

In one swift move, I yank my arm away from him. Hurt flashes over his eyes and my wolf is practically growling at me for doing so. The longer I stay, the more I become attached and that's no good for either of us. I don't think I could handle a rejection today, and I don't want to hurt him right now.

"Please stay." His voice sounds broken and my heart clenches at the sound. I just want to run into his arms, kiss him hard and let him mark me for all to see.

"Listen to mate. Stay with mate." My wolf pleads, but I push her back.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, my voice falters slightly and I walk out without a second look back. I shut the door behind me and pause. What am I doing? You're doing what has to be done, my subconscious rings through my head.

I take a couple deep breaths and then head down the stairs. The towel is still wrapped around my body and I make my through the kitchen, towards the main door. Hopefully it's still unlocked.

"Mate." A voice rumbled lowly and my body comes to a halt. Did Alex follow me downstairs? I turn around, when suddenly I'm pushed up against the wall. My feet dangle above the ground and I place my hands on his wide shoulder for support.

I gasp when he suddenly buried his face into the nape of neck and his hand settles on my waist. My eyes close and my head falls back, as he places slow kisses on the most sensitive part of my neck. His hand grabs ahold of the wet material of my dress and he bunches it up in his fist, causing it to ride up. My towel falls to the ground in a heap, long forgotten and I cling to him like he's my lifeline.

Maybe this could work? Maybe me and Alex could be happy? He pulls back and it's like time stops.

Jack. Jack. Jack. Why is Jack holding me up right now? Why was Jack kissing my neck? Why did Jack call me his mate?

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