💙When you want to lose weight💙

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This chapter may be sensitive and triggering for others. Reader Discretion  is advised

Your POV
"Come on, (Y/N) you can do it!" You said to yourself as you did some more jumping jacks. Sweat was pouring from your forehead down to your back. You huffed and puffed your way to make it though it was proving hard for you as your special "diet" wasn't helping your stomach in the slightest. You stopped eating food a week ago and your energy was decreasing while your stomach making noises was increasing.

The timer finally stopped after you did the workout after two minutes. You hugged your knee caps and looked up at the mirror in front of you. "Pathetic..." You muttered as you laid down and began to fall asleep. "Little rest never hurt anybody," You said as you closed your eyes.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Wake up!" You woke up feeling somebody shake you gently from your rest. You looked up and saw Anti-Cosmo with worry in his green eyes. You rubbed your eyes and looked at him straight in the eye. "(Y/N)? Are you quite alright?" I looked at him strangely and said," I thought you were away at your meeting". He quirked his eyebrow. "Darling, the meeting was over an hour ago. I told you I'd be back around 6."

I remembered taking my rest around 3pm. So that means I slept for 3 hours! I got up slowly and almost lost my balance. Anti-Cosmo helped steady me and he looked at my face. "Sweetheart, you look a little pale." My heart broke at the sight of his worried face. "You worry too much. Im fine really." I stretched and went to the bathroom to clean up. I stepped in the tub and smiled in relief from my aching muscles. I grabbed my arms and sighed. " Why would he be with a woman like you I'll never know". I got out after 30 minutes and went to get dressed. My clothes were baggy so they won't give away what I was doing.

"Love! Dinner is ready!", Anti-Cosmo yelled to me. I gulped as I know I'll ruin my diet. I thought of something fast. "Umm. I'm not h-hungry sweetie." I facepalmed myself for stuttering. I heard a poof right behind me and saw Anti-Cosmo standing with his arms crossed. "Dear you have been saying that for the past five days. Are you feeling alright?" I nodded quickly and yawned. "Yes I'm fine. I'm just been tired and I think a stomach bug is hitting me." Anti-Cosmo raised his eyebrow and I shivered slightly as he put a hand to my forehead. "You don't have a fever. You probably might have something else. What that is I don't know, but if you are tired then get some more rest. I'll pack away the food for you when you are ready to eat. Tomorrow we go to the meeting you and I are going to see the fairies which I dread. But the council men suggested it so we best do that."

I hugged Anti-Cosmo and smiled at him. "I'll get some rest then so I'll be much better tomorrow." I laid down and Anti-Cosmo went back downstairs to put the food away. "Drat! I hope I have something nice to wear."

The fairies were busy talking to one another as I was beside Anti-Cosmo. He rubbed his forehead from the ongoing outbursts. My outfit may have some people looking at me strangely. It's a bit warm today so I had to cover my arms so Anti-Cosmo wouldn't have suspicion. "Alright! You pathetic fairies, you have to act civil around our guests, the Anti-Fairies and their only godchild." Jorgan Von Strangle yelled. I got familiar with a few fairies. Anti-Cosmos counterpart and Cupid and Juandissimo Magnifico. I excused myself as I went out to get some air, but then black dots surrounded my vision and I fell to the ground.

Nobody's POV
"(Y/N)!!!", Anti-Cosmo yelled out loud. The crowd grew quiet as he helped her into his arms. "SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE!!!" Juandissimo got beside him and looked at him weirdly. "Why is she wearing long sleeves in this weather?! Take it off now!" Anti-Cosmo protectively looked to make sure she was wearing something underneath and she was wearing a tank top. "Help me get this off of her". Juan helped as Anti-Cosmo took the shirt off. His eyes watered with tears as he saw her malnourished form. "Dr. Ripstudwell at your service! Hmm let me get a good look at her." Anti-Cosmo yelled at him, "ARE YOU THAT DAFT?! SHE IS MALNOURISHED!!!" Dr. Ripstudwell sighed and said, "I am fully aware of that. The good news is we caught it right away before she got worse. The bad news is if she doesn't get enough food in her stomach it will be too late." "Why would she be doing this to herself?", Anti-Cosmo asked.  "Could be a number of things. Maybe her childhood she was chubby or wanting to lose weight because of self confidence was thin. You need to get her back to your castle and take good care of her. As for me, I'm going to go play a mean game of golf." Anti-Cosmo rolled his eyes and poofed him and (Y/N) back to his castle.

Your POV
I woke up in Anti-Cosmos bed and looked around confusingly. My stomach was growling much more causing uncomfortable hunger pains. "What happened?" I looked and saw Anti-Cosmo beside me with his arms crossed again. Uh oh. "Love, you passed out at the meeting and I saw what you have been doing to yourself." I shrunk in the sheets as I was ashamed. "Why would you do this to yourself?" I beg of you to tell me why!"

I looked away and said "Because-" "(Y/N) look at me." I sighed and saw in his green eyes as I confessed, "Because I wanted to be slim enough for you to stay with me and if I was to get any bigger, I was afraid you would leave me." Anti-Cosmo sat beside me and held me close. "Why on earth would I want to leave you? You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes upon. I don't give a damn about your weight or your looks. I only care about the love you bring to me and your personality." He rubbed my back gently as he felt the bones and cringed as he did so.

I held onto him as I began to cry. I never meant to hurt him in anyway. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done this to myself!" Anti-Cosmo softly kissed my head and said, "Come now. Let me give you some food." We went to the kitchen and he warmed up the leftover (Your favorite dish). Anti-Cosmo sat beside me with our plates and smiled warmly at me. "There we are (Y/N), your favorite dish you had as you were a wee lass." My stomach growled and I took a bite of my food. The food was so delicious as I ate some more. Anti-Cosmo laughed and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Careful love, I don't want you to choke." I nodded as I ate slowly. "Now love I beg of you to not do that ever again. In all of my years as an Anti-Fairy I never been so scared in my life."

My heart broke in two as he expressed sadness to me. I held his hand and I kissed it. "I am so sorry my love. Please forgive me!" He smiled and said, "I already have as soon as you took a bite." I blushed as he gave me a kiss on the lips.

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