She is quiet
He is loud
She loves reading books
He only touches a book when it needs to be thrown at someone
Victoria is a smart, beautiful and independent girl. Until she meet Parker. Sparks erupt and decisions are made, will this two opposites...
Victoria's POV I woke up feeling lazy as usual. Like why can't we just stop going to school.
I walked into the bathroom, did my business and parked my hair into a neat pony tail.
I wore a pink hoodie and blue leggings. I know I always wear that but I am too lazy to put on anything else.
I walked out of my brothers car and waved him goodbye.
"Vicky how are you doing?" Jayden asked. I gave him the realest smile I could and shrugged.
"Been better" he smirked. "Were you missing me?" I mean, I like this boy as friends but he is a huge flirt. "Whatever makes you sleep at night jay"
I am sure he sensed I wasn't in a good mood. "What crawled up your butt?" His facial expression showed he was worried.
I gave him a mock glare and he started laughing. "You looked soo cute" I sighed "talking to you is so stressful" and with that I turned and headed to my locker.
He was calling me but I didn't turn back.
Zoe raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at me when I came to my locker.
"What? And why do you love waiting for me" I asked not in the mood for any teasing.
She waved my questions off. "So I see that you and Jayden are close now." I rolled my eyes. "We are not close. We are just friends" she nodded in agreement.
"Okay,okay, what about Parker?" I blushed a little bit and she noticed. "Oh mii gosh!! You totally like him" "keep your voice down". I say in a hushed tone.
"Who do like?" A deep voice asked. And I stiffened. "P_pp_parker she is just saying nonsense" he smirked slightly. "Why are you stammering?" I rolled my eyes "cause you frightened me dummy"
He laughed. "Glad to know I have an effect on you" I scoffed. "As if"
"You are so childish" he muttered but I heard him. "You are so stubborn" I said out loud and he just scoffed
"Well you are childish" Parker said
We continued like that until poor Zoe couldn't take it anymore. "Will you guys shut the fuck. You are both childish and stubborn"
"Am not. He is" we said the same time.
I looked at him and stuck my tongue out so did he. And Zoe groaned. "I am leaving you too love birds"
And with that Zoe bear left and I was stuck with this idiot.
"See what you caused" he pouted and he looked sooo cute. "What I did? You caused it"
I glared at him. "Don't you dare blame it on me" he chuckled. "Calm down. Zoe left as a joke, you are just looking for ways to get mad at me" I shrugged. "You can't prove it." He smirked. "I don't need to. You know the truth"
And with that he turned and left. The bell rang and I grabbed my books and walked into English class.
"Hey, what's her name" I heard someone yell at the back. I turned to see Marco waving at me. "Hey" I said shyly. He gave me a huge grin and motioned me to sit with him.
I grabbed my bag and sat beside him. "Didn't know you were in my English class." Marco said smiling. He tends to smile a lot.
"Yeah, no biggie. I mean we have been in the same English class for four years" his eyes widened. "Seriously, you are joking" I laughed a little bit. "No I am not. But whatever."
"Shit! I am sorry" I smiled. "It's fine I am serious."
"I just get lost in my own world at times." Marco said frowning.
"I get it Marco, so why did you call me to sit?"
He shrugged. "I want to talk about whatever relationship you have with Parker. I don't care if you are friends with benefits, if it's an entanglement, Besties or an actually relationship. Just don't break his heart that dude likes you so much. It's hard to believe he is still the same Parker who gets bored easily."
To say I was shocked is an understatement. "Ummm.... I.... well... he... I don't know what to say" Marco smiled. "Guess I left you speechless." I glared at him. "Damn right you did. I mean we weren't even in a relationship. You just made things with Parker extra awkward."
Mrs Crystal, walked into the class and everyone was quite. She is a very strict teacher and gives people detention like it's candy on halloween.
I walked into the cafeteria and sat down with Zoe. "Buying school lunch today?" Zoe asked immediately I sat down.
"Nope. My lazy ass forgot to take lunch money or lunch. So I am gonna starve."
She sighed and brought out her lunch. "Damn it I really wanted fries today. But instead I get Mac and cheese"
"Let me guess. Your mum isn't around and your dad is doesn't have time to make proper food."
She sighed and nodded. "You know me too well Vicky."
My mind drifted to what Marco said today, in English class.
Was he really telling the truth, or just messing around. "Ugggggghhhh, I am soo confused."
I don't need boy drama in my life.
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Victoria's leggings
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And hoodie
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