Chapter 6

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Baekhyun heard that 'Simon says' he grunted and refused.

"Definitely, no" he snapped back to reality. He sat up as he could feel the knife touching his skin, his hands shaking, "C-Chanyeol, please put it away. I am not in the mood for this game, I ask you nicely," he controlling his emotions not to let Chanyeol win on him, "I'll let you sleep with me if you move it aside and use it for self-defense if someone breaks in."

Chanyeol heard that he shrugged, "good enough but it doesn't mean I'll forget, I'm being nice to reserve the game for us," he puts it away. Baekhyun nodded, he laid his head on the pillow and fell deep asleep, Chanyeol was busy marking him until he's satisfied then stopped so he would just watch his Baekhyun sleeping for a few hours before he kissed Baekhyun's lips to say goodbye.

"Sleep well, baby. I'll see you later or sooner." He smiled and left his knife next to Baekhyun, he disappeared as long as he didn't want to. Baekhyun in a next day woke up, he felt cold and lonely, he looked around, "Chanyeol...?" He asked.
He realized he left, Baekhyun looked at the knife that was already craved and very fancy.


Baekhyun observed and touched the handwriting, "you and me... huh?" He whispered and he felt like he wanna smile too, he chuckled as he realized what is he thinking, he sighed, "am I getting psycho too?" He frowned, "or am I really in love with a man who I never ask to get?" He took a knife with him and got ready for work.

In the police department, Baekhyun hiding his black marks on the neck to the upper body, he realized Chanyeol did something even he didn't feel it so at least he applied foundation to cover but Chanyeol's name on his heart was hidden too by his officer outfit. Everyone greeted him a good morning and some workers reported, some give him a free coffee, etc. Baekhyun was very nice and supportive, he commanded and talked with some of them about the reports.

Kai and Sehun ran, "boss!"

Baekhyun opened his door, "yes? Oh good morning Sehun and Kai, what is wrong?"

"Did you meet at Chanyeol?" Kai asked. Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, "yeah... twice, I thought I was going to get killed." He allowed them to get in, Sehun huffed, "Luhan thought we were dating! What are we gonna do?!"

"What did he tell you or do to you?" Baekhyun asked.

"He almost killed me like for real but we ended up... you know."

"Too much information! I mean yeah same but I didn't let it happen, I am fucking screw if I plan to go out with someone else." Baekhyun sighed, Kai, asked, "why is that?"

"Don't be silly, he threatened me, he craved his name on me, he marked me and I hide them, he confessed he would kill anyone who tries to touch me. You both are very lucky to have pass tickets because he kept you guys alive for Luhan and Kyungsoo. I have a bad feeling,"

"About?" Kai questioned, "wait— he wrote on you?!"

Baekhyun closed the door and unbuttoned his tops and showed them the fresh pink skin and the handwriting on the skin is quite red. "Next target is up if one of the people die again without the reason of cause and die in exact time. It's obviously them, I am going to call my workers to put my father in the interviewing room." Baekhyun sighed, he adjusted it again to look professional.

"Kai, did he do something to you?" Baekhyun asked. Kai shook his head no, "no. I made him forgive me and we are on good terms but I think you two are already dead because you both did something wrong that pissed them off."

Sehun and Baekhyun sighed, "why? We are just close since we were young, there is no point for them to "teach" us the lesson, right?" Sehun said. Baekhyun strongly agreed, "yeah I mean thousand of fish out there "might" be waiting to take my place to date cuties like them." He plopped the chair. Three of them were talking and working together while they made the schedule to meet up with Mr. Byun, Baekhyun can start working on finding the way to fix it.

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