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He watched as the man cried, blood running down from his eyes into his mouth as the fire ate at him, swallowing his soul and then, it stopped. He watched as the man's skin healed itself and his tears ceased. He was back to the way he was. Then without a second to waste, it all started again.

Lucifer didn't necessarily liked to dole out such punishments. But he knew better than to not let them suffer. These souls were evil and to have a punishment like such meant he had to have committed a major sin and did not have any remorse about it.

He went back to his room to change out of his cape and crown. He had always thought it as old fashioned to be wearing a cape in this day and age. He might not have aged since he was twenty but the world definitely had.

He changed into some dark black jeans and a black hoodie and snuck out. The world was his break from his duties as the ruler of hell. He liked how the mortal humans thought of themselves as high and mighty when they were the size of a needle in a haystack.

Today was no special day. He went to the only place where he actually liked the food. He couldn't understand how humans could eat such nasty things they called junk food. He was lost in his wonderment of the world when he heard it.

It was the cry of a baby owl, his feet took off on their own, taking him towards the source of the sound. He didn't know why he was going that way or even where. It was like his feet had a mind of their own.

He was stunned and couldn't move anymore for what he saw took his breath away. She was beautiful beyond words. He could see she was scared to be there. She picked up the baby with her handkerchief, whispering to him, it was going to be okay, as if it understood.

She stood on her tippy toes raising her arms and slowing placing the baby back into the nest. She stood standing still smiling adorably at the baby.

She looked down at her watch and realised it was getting late. She fumbled with her bag placing the handkerchief back and dashed to wherever it was she was going. He stood there a small smile on his face without realising that for the first time in centuries that that unmoving heart of his was beating.


It was late and she was definitely going to be yelled at for coming home so late, but she couldn't just leave that poor baby crying, now could she? She rushed back home praying that they wouldn't notice her slip in. She opened the door, quietly removing her shoes and tiptoeing upstairs towards her room. She closed her room door making as little noise as possible, heaving a sigh of relief. She turned flipping the light switch on almost having a heart attack seeing her father sitting on her bed.

"Did you really think you could sneak in without anybody noticing?" he asked an eyebrow raised.

"I know and I'm sorry dad, it's just I saw this baby owl which had fallen from it's nest and was crying. I couldn't just leave it there like that," she said pouting.

"It's fine kiddo, just be thankful that it was me and not your mom. Are you hungry baby?"

"No I had a burger at the diner."

"Okay then get ready and go to sleep before your mom comes up to check on you," her father said ruffling her hair and leaving.

She threw her bag aside and went to the bathroom. After a nice relaxing shower and brushing her teeth, she got into her bed and was out like a light.

That night she dreamt about red eyes watching her and wings as dark as the night engulf her.

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