Chapter 1

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Chapter one.

I quickly grab my keys and phone and race down the stairs. Tessa is picking me up to go shopping with her and I’m so excited. In the few days off from tour we all flew home to spend some time with our families. I’ve been touring with the boys for almost two years now and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel like I haven’t seen Tessa in a lifetime and I have so much I want to tell her. The doorbell rings and I nearly trip over my own feet when I open the door to hug my best friend. ‘Sophieeeeeeeee’ she happily cheers and hugs me tight.’Hi babe’ I say and take a good look at her. Tessa is one of those people who always looks wonderful without even trying and I’m a little jealous of that. ‘You look so great’ I exclaim, while taking my best friends appearance in, ‘how are you tess?’ We chatter about all the things that happened over the last couple of months while we get in the car and drive away. ‘Sooooooo’, she says wiggling her eyebrow at me, ‘ how are you and Ashton doing?’. I can tell by the look on her face she has been dying to hear all about it and I know she tried her best not to mention it the minute I opened the door. I automatically start to smile even wider hearing my boyfriend’s name. ‘Well honestly Tess, it’s been amazing’ I say proudly. I told Tessa all about my worries before we left for tour. I was scared we might spend too much time together and that it would drive us apart but everything went perfect. We talk about how neither of us thought me and Ashton would end up together when I suddenly remember I was supposed to text him where we could have dinner tonight. ‘Hey Tess, me and Ash are going out for dinner tonight, do you know a good italian place?’ ‘Oh yeah, this new restaurant opened a few weeks ago, it’s called Venezia and it has the best pasta.’ I take my phone out of my bag and text Ashton. Hi babe, how about dinner at venezia’s tonight? I’ll text you the address later, tell your mum I said hi :) loveyou xxxx. Just as I put my phone away I hear Tessa scream and our car swerves of the road. It all happens in a split second and before I can even comprehend what is happening, everything goes pitch black.

As I open my eyes I become aware of the fact that everything in my body hurts. I try to take in my surroundings but everything is so bright I decide to close my eyes again and I feel myself drifting away. ‘Oh my god, Sophie? Sophie please? Nurse!’ I hear someone talking in the background and it takes a while before I recognize the voice as Calum’s. I feel really lost but knowing that Calum is around makes me feel a bit better. I open my eyes a little and look straight into Calum’s huge worried brown eyes. ‘Yes!’ I hear him let out a large breath and I hear some more people walking in. As I become more aware of where I am, I also feel the stinging pain in my head. ‘Sophie?’ A female voice is asking for me and I don’t know what I should do. I open my eyes a little and that’s enough for the woman to continue talking to me. ‘Hi Sophie, my name is Catherine and I’m gonna be looking after you for a while. Sweetie, you are in the hospital after you had a car accident and you have some injuries, which is why we are keeping you here for a bit. Take your time waking up and your friend Calum will be here if you need anything, and so will I.’ I slowly let everything sink in and I wanna ask so many questions but I don’t know where to start. I hear Calum talk in the corner of the room, ‘Ashton, I finally got you, Ashton mate, she woke up! No I’m serious! Get over here! Yes can you call everyone?’ Calum walks to my bed and takes my hand, ‘oh god Soph, you had no idea how scared we were.’ I can see tears in his eyes and I’m starting to worry this is all way worse than I thought it was. The nurse, who’s name I already forgotten, walks in with a cup of water and hands it to me. While I take little sips she runs some tests on me. ‘Everything seems good miss Fletcher’.  ‘Now what can you tell me about what happened?’ I stare at her, not quite knowing what she wants me to do. ‘The accident miss Fletcher, what do you remember?’ she clarifies for me. I try and remember something, anything, but nothing comes to mind and I feel like I’m no longer in control of my thoughts. ‘Nothing, I don’t, I mean I don’t know’ I quietly say. I watch the nurse as her expression changes and says more to herself than to us ‘I’m gonna get a doctor, yes, I’ll be right back.’ She leaves me and Calum alone and I’m wondering if what I said was wrong, if I was supposed to remember every detail of the accident. Calum coughs and says ‘no worries Soph, your dad is on the way and I called my mom and the guys.’ I just nod. The nurse comes in with the doctor, who introduces himself as doctor Jones. He runs the same tests on me as the nurse did, and I wonder if she is qualified to be working here. ‘Hmm’ he mumbles and looks through some files. ‘You’re right Catherine’. Right Catherine, I knew that. They endulge in a conversation with terms that make my headache even worse and I’m thinking if I close my eyes again this might all go away. Just as I’m about to try the door flies open and a boy stumbles in. ‘Oh my god’ he says with tears streaming down his face. ‘How are you babe, how are you feeling?’ He runs around the bed and takes a seat. I feel more lost than ever. The boy takes my hand and slowly examines my face. I immediatly pull my hand back. ‘I’m sorry’ I manage to choke out ‘I think you got the wrong room’. I see the boy’s face slowly dropping and all of the sudden the mood in the room changes. ‘Soph, it’s me’ he says with a desperate look on his face. ‘Soph’ I hear Calum whisper next to me. Nurse Catherine and the doctor turn around and walk up to me. ‘Miss Fletcher, we are gonna need to run some tests on you to determine what we missed in our first few tests.’ All I can think of is how something is wrong with me. I don’t remember the accident, I don’t remember the boy’s name and I don’t know what tests the doctor is talking about. ‘Soph’ the boy looks at me intensely ‘Soph it’s me! Ashton! How can you not remember me?’  he tears start streaming down his face. All I want is to crawl back into my dark whole of nothing and dissappear.

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