Chapter 13

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Chapter thirtheen.

(Ashton’s P.O.V.)

I open my eyes and look around my bunk to find my phone. I have slept really well and I’m wondering where the other boys are. Normally when I wake up there is lots of noise in the bus, but it’s extremely quiet now. Maybe they are still sleeping? I finally find my phone and see that it’s already 11 o’clock. I must have been really tired then. Yesterday was such an amazing day. Me and Sophie kissed and she remembered something. I feel like Sophie is starting to become herself again. After the accident Sophie had been really quiet around us I started to wonder wether she’d ever return to her funny, outgoing self. I climb out of my bunk to get some breakfast. I can tell Sophie is the last one who took a shower in the bus, because I can smell the scent of her shampoo when I walk past our tiny bathroom. When I get to the kitchen I see a little note. ‘Ash, we decided to let you sleep, you looked tired last night. We’re out exploring the venue a little, see you soon x Sophie.’ I smile to myself while reading it. I quickly get ready and make my way over to the venue. Today is a very cool day, Sophie is gonna watch us perform for the first time tonight. She has been excited about it all week and I hope we can live up to her sky high expectations. I find my way to the stage we are performing tonight, where I find Calum and Michael. ‘Hiya mate!’ says Calum. ‘Morning guys’ I say, looking around ‘This place looks fucking awesome’. ‘I know man’ says Michael ‘Sophie is probably in our dressing room’ he adds ‘Figured you might be looking for her instead of us.’

After walking the wrong way multiple times, I finally find our dressing room. When I peek through the little window to check if Sophie is there, I see her sitting next to Luke. Luke says something and Sophie burst into laughter. I open the door and walk into the dressing room, I want to be closer to her. She looks up at me and smiles brightly ‘Goodmorning!’. ‘Hey mate’  says Luke. He gets up from the couch and gives me a pat on the shoulder. ‘I’m gonna go check on the boys, soundcheck in 30 minutes Ash.’ Luke says. ‘Yo, thanks mate.’ I say to him. I’m grateful Luke is leaving me and Sophie alone for a while. Suddenly I feel really insecure. What is she regrets kissing me yesterday? The thought hadn’t crossed my mind before and I don’t really know what to say now. ‘Hey Soph’ I smile. She gets op from the couch and walks over to me. She wraps her little arms around my waist and holds me close. ‘Hi Ash’ she mumbles into my shirt. I quickly wrap my arms around her body and kiss the top of her head. ‘Hi, did you sleep well?’ I ask her quietly. She looks up at me, but doesn’t let go of me. ‘I slept very well, what about you?’ ‘Slept perfectly fine, thank you for letting me sleep.’ ‘You looked like you needed it’ she giggles ‘Hey Ash, can you teach me how to play the drums a little?’ I smile to myself. We have been down this road before and to say Sophie is not a very good drummer is the understatement of the year. I decide not to say anything about. ‘Yeah sure! Which song do you wanna learn?’ I ask her. ‘Uhm’ she twirls a stray of hair ‘I like End Up Here? Can we do that one?’ I smile at her ‘Of course we can do that one!’ I point at the small drum stool ‘Why don’t you sit on the stool, and I’ll just say which drums you should hit.’ ‘Alright!’ She quickly sits down on the small chair, and I walk around my drums, facing Sophie. I give her instructions, and Sophie does what I tell her. I can tell by the concentrated look on her face she is trying really hard, but to be fair it sounds like shit. ‘Awh’ she pouts after 20 minutes of failed attempts ‘I suck at this.’ I chuckle ‘Well you know what they say, practice makes perfect.’

I walk around the drums and go stand behind Sophie. I put my arms around hers, and take her small hands in mine. I softly start hitting the right drums, and the beat of End Up Here starts ringing through our dressing room. ‘See’ I say quietly after finishing the first chorus ‘You can totally do this.’ She turns around and raises her eyebrow ‘That was all you. You’re a great drummer Ash.’ Her face is really close to mine and for a moment we just look at each other. I look at her pretty eyes, her small nose and I softly put my hand on her cheek. I bring her face closer to mine and press my lips on hers. She kisses me back and slowly stands up from the small stool, so we are in a more comfortable position, but never taking her lips from mine. I put my hands at the small of her back as I pull her closer to me. I missed this so much and I want to take it all in. I slip my tongue in her mouth and she immediatly responds. The kiss is starting to get more heated when the door flies open. Sophie immediatly pulls back at the sound of her best friend’s voice. ‘I cannot believe you’ Calum snaps at me. ‘I am not gonna let this happen, Sophie get over here.’ To my surprise Sophie does what Calum says, and walks away from me. ‘Ashton I’m gonna say this only once’ Calum says to me ‘I don’t want you anywhere near Sophie, until she remembers. I don’t want you two spending time without any of the other boys being there, do you understand? She is really fragile right now, and you pushing her into this is not helping. And if I see this happening again I swear to god I will kill you.’ I am completely startled by this. Calum is never like this, and I never expected this from him. ‘Soundcheck in 5 minutes, Sophie let’s go.’ Calum ends his speech. He grabs her hand and drags her out of the dressing room, leaving me by myself, completely taken by surprise. I sit down on the couch, taking a deep breath. Is Calum right? Am I pushing her into this? My happy feeling from earlier this morning has completely disappeared. Sophie is quite a feisty girl and it took me totally by surprise she actually left with Calum. When we first started dating Calum wasn’t too happy with it either, but she didn’t care. I get up and slowly make my way to the stage for the soundcheck. I quietly sit behind my drums and we play a couple of songs. I don’t see Sophie anywhere but I don’t have the balls to ask where she went. Normally I love soundchecking, we goof around a bit and play some songs, now I find myself wishing it was over already. After playing five songs we take a little break and Luke comes over to me. ‘What’s up?’ he asks me. ‘Well, long story short, Calum saw me and Sophie kissing and now I’m not allowed to be alone with her.’ Luke chuckles and says ‘Calum is so overprotective jeez. Just talk to him.’ ‘I would, but when Calum told her to get away from me, she stepped away from me in no time, maybe she is okay with not being with me.’ ‘I’m sure she just did that to keep Calum as calm as possible.’ ‘Maybe. Do you know where she is now?’ ‘Yeah Calum took her to the bus, I thought she wasn’t feeling well or something.’

After we finish soundchecking we have a couple of hours to kill before the show starts. I have no idea what to do with myself. Luke is talking to Sophie for me, I would do it myself but Calum is watching me like a hawk. Luke told me he would send me a text if he was done talking, but it’s been an hour and I still haven’t heard anything. I check my phone every five seconds, but there’s nothing.

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