2.003 perfect...

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Few days later

"this is crazy" I wondered into Jadens room "what is" he laughed "Bryce is getting married" i squealed "hopefully, Addi still has to say yes" I nodded and looked up at him and smiled "why are you smiling" sighed, out of happiness "it's just, everything is perfect, my brothers gonna marry my best friend, I have a really hot boyfriend, and everything's just right" I giggled "just hot huh" he laughed "yes" I said with a straight face, then he started to chase me around the house, it was just us home. "Just hot" he yelled,  "fine vary hot" I giggled "and" he asked "vary sexy" I giggled again, he stoped chasing me, "that's better" he laughed "now what am I" he laughed and came over to me "gorgeous" he said softly, I aww at his voice and he kissed me "you sound like simp" a voice booms through the house "Bryce" I groned and stepped away from Jaden "get your asses over here, we walked into the kitchen and he was there with Addison, she looked happy "Addison" I questioned, then looked at Bryce and back at Addison

She slowly put up her hand to reveal the beautiful diamond ring on her finger, "ahhhhh" I squealed then ran over to her and engulfed her in a hug hug "Bryce did good" I question "yes" she smiled, then I went and hugged Bryce "good job, you successfully got engaged" I laughed "and thought you would be married first" he laughed, I swatted his chest and went back to Addi, "come on" I grabbed he hand and we ran away "hey, you better come back her with my fiancé" I saw Addison go red when he said fiancé "awww" I gushed "stawwwp" she said shyly "we're gonna be sisters" I yelled "ahh ha yesss" she screamed after me "and Jaden will be my brother one day" he tested "Addi, we don't know that, too soon" I laughed awkwardly

I guess it was weird to me, being in a relationship....That's actually felt real. I always dreamed of marrying some amazing, but Zack (abusive ex) kinda ruined it for me, I never thought I would actually be happy, I have a lot trust issues because of him

With nick, I guess it was just me wanting the feeling of someone that loved me, he dose but

Not real love

Jaden tho, everything time we touch I get shivers and everytime we kiss I get a buzz in my heart. Butterflies everyone I see him

I've never felt this before, he's different. It's just so hard to explain

I just know...

"Kenzie" I heard Addi say, I looked up to her "you good" "Yah, I'm so happy for you. You and Bryce are made for each other" "I never thought I'd say that" I laughed "hey" Bryce called "are you to listening to us" i opens the door "nooo, ofc not" Jaden said with high voice "yes you guys are, now go talk about boy stuff" I pushed them and shut the door
I ran up to the bed and flipped onto it, Addison started to laugh because I rolled off

Soon we were in a fit of giggles for the randoms thing,

Everything was perfect.

I walked back into Jadens room, he was in deep thought, something he rarely dose "what you thinking about" I sat down next to him and layed my head in his chest "do you not think we will ever be anything more then this" he said blankly "what do you mean" I looked up "when you were talking with addi, you said not to say that"he looked hurt "We just started dating jay, we don't know what this will turn into. And we're still vary young" I looked him in his eyes "I just don't want to waste my time on someone that dosent want anything in the future" I narrowed my eyebrows and sat up "you think I'm a waste of your time" I said hurtfully "idk Kenzie" he said in a whisper "if you really think I'm a waste of time, then I will happily leave and not be a waste of time" i Spat and went to my room

I packed a bag for a day or two, "that's not what I mean Kenzie" Jaden walked in "where are you going" he question, I zipped up the small suitcase "to waste someone else's time" I walked past him "Kenzie" he shouted and I walked out the door slamming it in his face, I got in my car and started to just drive around

Soon I decided to call Dixie, she let me stay with her "hey Siri, call Dixie"

"Calling Dixie 🥵👀"

Kenz, it's like 10 pm

Can I stay with you tonight

What, why did something happen

Yah, jaden being a dick. I'll tell you later but please, I really don't want to be there

Ofc bby, just call me when you get here.

Thank you dix

Anything, and I'm going to beat his ass when I see him

Bye Dixie

Bye kenz

We hung up, I got there soon and charli let me "char char" I hugged her "Kenzie, what are you doing here" she asked as I pulled away "I needed a place to stay for A bit, I called Dixie earlier" I sighed "aww what happened" she asked them Dixie came over "ok now tell us what Jaden did, is it more a slap in the face or a bye bye your dead" she laughed "it's stupid" I groned "if yor upset then it's not" charli comforted me

I got settled in and told them the whole conversation from when Bryce got there, they both looked like they were gonna kill someone which made me laugh

"I'm going over right now" charli said "no your not, leave him alone" I mumbled "where's my phone" Dixie asked "Over there" charli pointed "thanks, she taped on it a bit then I heard rigging "what's are you doing Dixie" I asked looked at the screen "Dixie" I scolded he needs a talking to" she huffed "you really shouldn't be so heated over-" then we heard a faint "Dixie"


"What the fuck" Dixie said to Jaden "dix why's are you calling me" Jaden groaned "you really said that to her, how would you not think that though. How would you fucking like bing called a waste of time" she ranted "is she there" he said quickly "that's not the point, you hurt her" "I didn't mean to, I guess it just came out that way. Idk I thought what she said was she didn't want a life with me" Jaden said, sadly "I never said that, you of all people
Should know that I have bad trust issues, you know the relationships I've had Jaden" I said with glossed over eyes "I was just jealous Kenzie, I didn't mean for it to come out like that" "jealous of what" I asked "Bryce and Addi, there perfect for each other" she sighed "I wanted us to be perfect, but we've had so many ups and downs throughout last year"   "Jaden relationships aren't meant to be a straight line up, there's meant to be downs. You just have to find a way get get back up" I said with my eyes softening "look I'm sorry kenz, please come home" he pleaded "I need some time jae, I'll be home in a few days" "ok" he looked down and Dixie ended the call "we'll at least that's fixed" she laughed "let's have a girls day tomorrow, just us. Let's treat are bad bitty selfs" charli giggled "yess queen" I squealed


Sorry for the slow updates, I had major writers block for this and just wasn't motivated

But then I just forced my self to start and this is what happened 😅

So deal with it

And sorry for typos, I didn't read over it

Edited: (It's now a day later and I fixed it 🥴)

It's 2:00am

The second shot: Jaden hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now