Evil's Fault

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Hello readers! I've had this idea bumping around my head for a while now, and I wanted to put it down here for you! Basically, I want to do a fanfic (songfic?) based off this fanimation I love, by th3pooka. Hope you like this Ex angst story! :D


Third POV

Ex sat up in bed, carefully removing his sleeping filter and hanging it on its place on the wall. Putting on his armor, he grabbed his helmet and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Setting his mask on the counter, he grabbed his toothbrush, and- Oh NO. He thought frantically. But looking back at him from the mirror were not his usual red eyes. They were emerald green, and glowing a cold light. Dropping his toothbrush, the Void shoved his helmet under his arm, and ran into his room. Locking the door behind him, he grabbed a pencil and some paper, writing a note. Rubbing the wetness out of his eyes, he left his note on top of his chest. He strapped on his elytra, putting his helmet on. Evil X leaped out the window, into the early morning.

You can't run from your own mind...

~Time Skip~

Xisuma had finished up with making breakfast, and glanced around for his brother for the tenth time this morning. Ex was usually the one who was up early, not X. He as getting worried. Going over to his brother's room, he knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again, louder. No answer. He called out. "Exy! Wake up!". Nothing. Alright, something was definitely wrong. He tried the door. Locked?! He shoved his sword through the crack, slicing the latch. The door creaked open, but...No Ex. Or any of his things. X looked around his brother's tidy room in utter shock. There was no blood, so he wasn't hurt badly if he was hurt at all. Then he spotted a note on top of the chest. Picking it up, he read;

To my beloved brother, 


I'm sorry, X. But the voice is back, and I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to do something awful, not again. I don't want to kill anyone permanently this time, and I think it might make me... If you see me again, ban me on sight. I don't know what it's going to try and do. Tell the others, if you want, but forbid them from looking for me. I love you, and I miss you already, but I have to go for your sake, and the other hermits'.

I love you,

Evil Xisuma

X's fingers trembled as he held the note. Was this a prank? No, it couldn't be...X saw a dried splotch on the edge of the note. Ex was crying as he wrote this. Quickly strapping on his elytra, X put the note in his inventory, and yanked out his communicator. 

<Serverwide anouncment from Xisuma> Everyone, to the shopping district. I have something important to say.

He was answered with various messages ranging from "I'll be there" to "What happened this time?" He ignored them, putting it back in his pocket and flying off to the Mooshroom Island.

~Travel Skip~

There was confused yelling as the hermits gathered in front of the Diamond Throne, and Scar was sitting on said seat and looking at X in confusion. He quickly told everyone what had happened that morning, and showed them the note. He heard a few hermits say "Good riddance..." and quickly silenced them with a cold glare. Others...Others were much worse. Chat, Jade, and Star were holding a sobbing Gen, while Hellen was glaring murderously at the hermits and gripping her sword tightly. The demoness had a expression that clearly read "If you touch her right now, physically or emotionally, I will end you.". Most hermits nervously backed away from that. Speaking of nervousness, X was internally freaking out about the situation. Well, of course he was. His brother had an evil voice in his head and had told him to ban him on sight. X had already promised himself that he wouldn't ban Exy again, but how was he supposed to deny his brother's last conscious request?! No, don't think like that. He'll get the voice out, I know he will. Then everything will go back to normal. As soon as he thought it, he knew it was a flimsy excuse, pointless optimism. He noticed his face was wet. I am not crying, I have to be strong for the hermits. X thought, quickly adjusting his helmet. But he couldn't help but wonder...

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