Chapter 5

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Hi there. It's me. I fucked up the chapters. I made chapter 6 as chapter 5. wELP. Here's the ACTUAL chapter 5.

Narrator POV

"Has anyone seen Tsukki?" Tadashi asked the volleyball club members. "He wasn't there where we were supposed to walk together."

"I haven't seen him today, sorry," Sugawara apologized.

Nobody has seen Tsukishima since the incident. It's been two days since the funeral and nobody has found his body. They don't even know that he's dead, except for Kageyama.

After school, Tadashi walked home alone, worried about his friend. He heard the TV as he walked into the house. What he saw on the screen horrified him.

"Young teen found dead near church," the female reporter stated. "Police are looking more into it. An autopsy report was done and there seemed to be a lethal poison in his bloodstream. There is no trace of the perpetrator anywhere. If you see a suspicious looking figure, please call this number," a phone number popped up on the screen. "Moving on, scientists think that dogs will conquer the earth in the near future."

Tadashi turned off the TV. He stood in the living room in shock and sadness. "No..." tears fell from Tadashi's eyes. "H-he can't be..." Tadashi broke down, crying. "TSUKKI!!!!" he fell to the ground screaming in pain and agony.

The next day at school

"Did you guys see the news?!" Sugawara asked the team worriedly. I don't even think you could call them a team anymore. There were only six people left.

"Yeah..." Hinata said sadly.

"We all did," Tanaka spoke.

"Poor Tsukishima..." Sugawara mourned. "Oh, Tadashi must be heartbroken..." tears started forming in his eyes. "Why is this all happening..?" he sniffed his nose. "We are just trying to live our lives." he started crying loudly. "Where did we go wrong?!"

"Suga..." Tanaka muttered, not liking to see his friend so broken.

"Suga, don't cry! It'll be okay!" Asahi tried to comfort his friend with words.

Hinata turned to Kageyama. "Kageyama..?"


"I-I'm scared... I don't want to die..." Hinata confessed.

"You won't die. I'll protect you from everything," Kageyama swore.

"Y-you promise..?"

"I swear on my life."

"Thank you..."

"Anything for you," Kageyama smiled.

[371 Words]

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