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The lovely couple walks down the empty streets with a kid that seemed to be the age seven or so. They're on their way back to the hotel after having dinner at UAE's top ten restaurants.

The kid wiggled out of his mother's hold rushing a bit further away but still in sight. He heard a cry, a baby cry to be precise making him examine the place in search.

His gaze dropped to a white cloth that is just around the corner halting his steps.

"Ummu I think there's a baby over there" he spoke but not too audible to get their attention.

"Ummu" he yells drawing their scrutiny.

"What is Khaleel?"

"Look over there, I think there's a baby in that cloth" he points in that direction.

Maryam's lips parted as her stare falls on the cloth. "Subhanallah! Let go and have look"

She didn't wait for her husband's reply coz she was certain he'd brush it off and demand they leave.

Nawaf sighed in defeat following suit.

Maryam didn't hesitate in picking up the baby. Yeah! She's a sucker for kids. She fell in love with the baby the minute she had him in her arms. Poor thing, which inconsiderate mother will dump her kid on the streets?

"Nawaf we must take him with" just as he expected.

Maryam is very predictable.

He shakes his head in disagreement. "Of course not. We can't just take him and go with him."

"C'mon have some pity, I expect better from you" She states in annoyance rocking the baby to sleep but to no avail, seems he's hungry.

Wonder how long he has been here.


"Please Nawaf" He could sense the desperation in her tone, plus she is giving him the look.

Khaleel didn't say a thing as he watch his parents argue about taking the bay or not, if he's asked, he'd love to have him around, maybe he could be the little sibling he never had.

He huffs in defeat. "Fine"


Baby cries filled the environment getting the Duo worked up and worried. What must be wrong?

Maryam has tried nonstop to get him to sleep but he's not budging. "Why don't you get him something to eat from the store" she suggests.

He groans in annoyance getting up from the couch, heading straight for the door, and walking out. Maryam couldn't help but chuckle, her husband could be a handful.

"Khaleel, why don't you play with him while I freshen up" She seeks making him run fast to her demand.

Yeah! It runs in the blood.

Soon the baby began to giggle at Khaleel's funny face. "Where's the baby?" He sang shutting his eyes with his hands. "There he is!"

More cackles erupted as he proceed to another set of plays.

Maryam walked out of the bathroom in awe as she watch the duo. She sensed Khaleel's emptiness for the past years and couldn't help but feel thankful to Allah for letting them come across the baby.

She hopes and prays her husband lets them keep him. It's been a while since there were babies around.

"Ummu he's not crying anymore" he gloated with a grin.

"That's great Khal!" She leans down and kisses him on the forehead.

"Ummu is he going to be my little brother?" Khal asks out of the blue taking her by surprise.

She sat him down taking a hold of his hand. "No my dear. Just like you have your Abbu and Ummu, so does he"

"But then why did they abandon him?" He asks yet again.

You must know he asks a lot of questions for a kid his age.

"That's something I don't have an answer to" she pinched the tip of his nose earning a groan.

"But can we keep him? I want him as a brother" He pleads giving her the Lulu eyes that she couldn't resist but had to for the first time.

"No Khal. We have to take him back to his parents"


"Let me ask you, how would you feel if someone takes you away from me or your father?" She inquires.

His smile drops into a scowl. "I'll be very very sad"

"Exactly. The baby too would be sad as well, so what do you say we do?"

"We take him back to his parents"

She pats his shoulder sending him a smile. "That's more like it"

Nawaf got back with a couple of baby stuff that Maryam didn't think he'd get but he did, he could be so surprising at times.

"Can we adopt him?"

He knew for a fact that this was bound to happen. As he said earlier, his wife could be so predictable.


"It's just a question Nawaf"

"Yes and we are going to adopt him if you're okay with it" he states setting her eyes widening.

"Are you serious?"

He nods. "Yes." She yelled his ears off falling to his embrace.

Nawaf knew how desperate his wife is to have another child, it's been seven years, and still no sign. Not that she's not grateful for the one kid Allah gave them, she certainly is but wants more.

Humans, humans I tell you.

Khaleel came running in fear making Nawaf and Maryam burst into a fit of laughter.

"Not funny" he whines earning more giggles.

"Guess what dear" Maryam mutters wiggling her brows.

"We get to keep him?" He asks and she nods in response making him jumble in excitement.

"Yay! Plus one to the family"

They stared at their happy kid, Maryam would be lying if she said she isn't rest assured by the fact that her kid doesn't get to be a loner anymore.

This is certainly not the best but one of the best days of her life and for that, Alhamdullilah.

Within a week Nawaf struggled but completed the paperwork and adoption. They are now getting ready for their leave for Nigeria after so long.

The last time they went there was four years ago, they all missed home and couldn't wait to get back, as they say, there's no place like home.

Home sweet home.

"Ummu what's his name?"

"Why don't we ask your Abbu and find out"

They send their question gaze at him waiting for his response.

"Muhammad Nour"



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