Funerals and Signs

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Salem's POV
The rain still poured the next morning as I sat on my bed, the bag of Justin's ashes on my nightstand for mourning purposes. I was thinking over whether or not I'd stay at the fortress, or go back to my old friends. Including the one that murdered the love of my life.

If I went back to my old friends, I would take Willow with me, as well as Aria. I'd set the army free in the middle of the night so they could be free (Because of their ruler, they couldn't die like a normal hostile mob could). Then I'd keep Aria inside my home, and Willow could do things with us.

If I stayed at the fortress, I'd send one of the creepers to tell them of the news. They'd most likely send a returning message, and I'd accept it. I would simply either become the new Hit The Target (the female and depressed version) and make their lives horrible, or I could simply go somewhere else and do that there.

I'd rather stay and ruin their lives because of what they did.

I thought over my choices until the sudden knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I stood up and opened the door, revealing an enderman, who had to stand against the wall to be seen. "Salem, is it? Willow wishes to hold a funeral service for her brother. Is that alright?"

"Of course. Can you bring her to me?" The enderman nodded, and he began to walk away. "Wait," I called, and he turned around to face, his pale purple eyes narrowed in confusion. "Are you new? Most everyone knows my name," I asked, a polite smile forming on my face. He nodded. "I suppose so. Gertrude told me to join her, as I'd be a good asset to the team because of how many Crafters I've killed. I'm Vince."

"Welcome to the dark side, Vince. And nice name," I responded, and he laughed slightly, crouching under the door to leave the hallway. I closed the door and sat back down on my bed, staring at Justin's ashes sadly. Even thought he couldn't hear me, I could at least try.

"Hey, Justin," I began shyly, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. "I'm sorry this happened to you, that Lee murdered you. None of us here at the fortress wished for it to happen, I promise. I miss you a whole lot, you know? I am so upset with Lee, and I bet you would be too. I don't know where I should go. I know you said you wouldn't be mad if I went back to them, and I realize that. I just don't know where I wish to go now. I have Willow and Aria and all of the army to care for. I care for all of them dearly, even the ones I haven't met. But I also care for my old friends, like Squid and Amy and Rosie and Stampy even. I don't know what to do."

I wiped my eyes of the incoming tears, and I continued to speak to the ashes. "I need a sign, signaling what I should do. Please help me, Justin; I'm so afraid to let anyone down. Please, just-" I suddenly turned to the small rose next to my bed. The one that I'd had when Justin kidnapped me.

"Wait; your rose! It should bloom today! If I should go back, make it bloom red, and if I shouldn't, make it black. I know it sounds mortifying, and kinda bizarre, but I need to know. When Willow comes, we'll arrange your funeral. When I return, it should be bloomed. I love you so much, Justin; I'm excited to see your choice for me."

The sudden knock on the door startled me, and I stood up and opened it immediately. "Hello Willow." A silent Willow stood outside my bedroom door, a sorrowful look on her face. She was reacting terribly to her only sibling's death, and I honestly couldn't blame her. "Come on in." I held the door open wider for her, and she walked around me into my bedroom.

I shut the door behind her and sat next to her on the bed. "Vince told me you wanted to plan a funeral," I began softly, not wishing for her to burst into tears. "Yes. That's true," she responded blankly, all emotions that were visible before Justin's death now gone.

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