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It started out just like any other regular day, Aaron got up at his usual time of 2:30 a.m. slowly rising out of his bed rubbing his face with one hand then stretching out his arms adding in a sigh of relief knowing he was up. After that he made his bed then looked over to his still sleeping brother Chris. Though Aaron and Chris are brothers it is incredibly hard to tell that they were due to there dramatic differences in physical appearance, personality, and also by the way they treat each other.

Chris a 20 year old with short black and brown spiked hair, light blue eyes, charismatic, brave, lively, he was very attractive and used his good looks to flirt with girls all the time, overall he is a brute fighter built with a staggering height of 6 feet and weight of 210 pounds, he is strong, and always ready for a fight.

Aaron a 22 year old was not as built as his brother was, in fact he was the complete opposite being only 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighing only 160 pounds. He was clever, moody, rude, selfish, serious, and smart. With his short black flat hair, light brown eyes, he was not a sight people wanted to look at in fact that is exactly how it was no girl ever wanted to look at him, but he got used to it. His approach on life was always very different, he viewed the world as if it was a wild beast that needs to be tamed and the only way for him to tame it is by him having control of every thing and all the power being able to rule the world.

As Aaron was looking at his brother a look of disgust came across his face and he rolled his eyes and spoke in a violent tone under his breath "How can you still be sleeping?"

He slowly walked out of the room and went into the bathroom starting to get ready for the day ahead of him with a tired look on his face he took a cold shower, brushed his teeth with his Crest toothpaste and fiery red toothbrush, got dressed into his work clothes consisting of a white button up shirt, a brown pair of khakis, and had on a pair of Bostonian Akron black shoes. He then grabbed his three ringed binder filled with data charts and names of patients and at exactly 3:00 a.m. he left his house. After he had left the house his tired look soon changed to almost an evil smirk.

Though Aaron did walk to his work at the Brethenium, a lab facility that creates medicine and vaccines fore the sick, every day it only took him 10 minuets to get there since no one else in the town was ever up at 3 in the morning. As soon as he got there he pulled out his Id card and swiped it through the security check opening up lazier powered defence gates served as only a protection barricade against any unwanted visitors. When the gates had completely opened he made his way up the main stairs to a blocked door guarded buy twelve trained and armed men. He had to go through a security check that consisted of a hand print scanner, DNA match up authenticator, and a voice recolonization conformation. Once he finished with the security check he was free to go to his office at the top of the thirty floored building. While he was walking to get to the elevator he noticed something that had cached the corner of his eye so he turned to see what it was but only found a clear glass tube laying on a table filled with a red blood like substance with a label on it that said WARNING. Knowing he should not touch any thing that was not his Aaron just could not resist so he looked around then quickly grabbed the tube and shoved it into his pocket then started to walk back to the elevators. He walked in to the first open elevator he laid his eyes on and pressed the thirty button then waited for his long elevator experience to be over.

When the door had finally oped he grunted and groaned a little bit then stormed out of the elevator into his office and shut all the windows locked all the doors making sure that no one would see what he was doing. He sat down at his desk slowly pulled open a drawer then reached in it and took out four tubes each of the tubes was each individual filled with a different substances they also had a various of colors that were green, blue, yellow, and purple. Every tube was clearly labelled PREPARATION.

While carefully opening every single tube individually he slowly measured out different amounts of each substance into a new tube. He then added in a drop of the red substance and started to shake up his new creation. It quickly turned into a black color and Aaron chucked it across the room with anger flowing through his veins he watched it crash breaking open and run down the side of the wall.

He could not contain himself and shouted with frustration "Fuck Another failure!"

With those words he slammed his fist down grabbed a red marker then pulled out a journal with at least one hundred pages of just red x's and now adding to that collection of failure Aaron drew another red x along with writing down all the different substances he had used. Then he crossed his arm and legs in the chair staring at the substance run down the wall. But then as he sat there looking at the wall he noticed that the substance was slowly starting to turning white, so as he was watching this happen he started to re make the substance exactly how he had created it seconds ago after that he shook up the new tube and set it on the desk watching it slowly changed colors to black then white. A slight smirk came across his face then he took the tube opened it up carefully, pulled out a needle from his pocket, and gently started to pure the substance from the tube into the needle. A few seconds later he opened his door poked his head out then looked around and spotted a young man sitting in a chair across the room reading the newspaper with blond hair, green eyes, wearing a blue sweatshirt, black jeans and had on a pair of red vans.

"He is perfect" Aaron whispered to him self then slowly crept out of his office grasping onto the needle tightly in his right hand while staring down the young man. When Aaron finally got close to the man he quickly covered the man's mouth with his left hand, injected the needle into his throat and pressed the substance into him. The whole time the young man was trying to resist throwing his own arms in the air, squirming around in the chair, and screaming as loud as he could but only got his screams muffled cause of Aaron's hand. The substance finished going completely into the mans body and Aaron let him go dropping him to the floor as he started to mutate.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2012 ⏰

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