Chapter 4: Starting Line

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I'm up to 60 points. "One minute remaining" It's already over? Geez that was fas-holy what is that?! A giant bot appear from the rubble of the fake city. It's bigger than all the other bots combined. This must be the 'gimmick' bot Present Mic was talking about. Sugazara stops running and turns around, people keep running past him, some even bumping him in their race to get away from the giant.

"That thing is going to crush someone, it has to go down..." Sugazara makes up his mind, he's going to take out this beast before the time runs out. 55 seconds. He slams one foot to the ground and faces his palms down, mechanical fingers spread wide, he uses his metal manipulation to try and keep the 0-point in place. 35 seconds. Then with all his strength he can muster he slowly lowers his hands, it's difficult and he's almost at his limit but the thing starts to compact into itself. 10 seconds. Then it's finally down, Sugazara sighs in relief then produces to drop to his knees in exhaustion. "IT'S ALL OVER!!"

"He stopped the gimmick with his quirk..."

"It's gotta have something to do with metal, did you see how it just crushed itself?!"

"What a showoff!!"

"Yeah right?! Why bother to take it down when you don't get any points for it?"

Sugazara can hear them talking about him, but he's so tired that it doesn't even matter. No one is hurt, and that's all that matters. He thinks with a well deserved slump backwards, back to the ground with his feet planted still. "Well done, child" Sugazara looks to his right to see who was talking to him. It was an older woman with a medical needle for a walking stick.

"Oh it's Recovery Girl!"

"I've heard of her, isn't her quirk Healing Factor?"

"Yeah but she has to kiss you for it to work..."

So that's who this is huh? Sugazara starts to stand up and look at the heroine. "Thank you ma'am. I'm not injured, the only thing that is broken is my leg so I'll be fine." He says to her very calmly. The people around him give him a look like he's crazy, and if he were still 100% human he would be. To prove his statement, he lifts his pant leg up. "All of my limbs are mechanical and unfortunately I don't think your quirk will be able repair them. But thank you for checking on me." He gives her a polite bow and he heads to a bench to repair his leg. Guess I'm glad I paid attention all those times my parents would talk about machines, I feel like this is going to happen a lot more now.

One Week Later



"Izuku?!" That one finally got him out of his daydream. Midoriya Inko looks like she's about to fall apart at the seems at any second, though Midoriya Izuku doesn't look much better. "Are you okay?! Stop smiling at the fish!!" Sugazara just laughs, very used to the oddities of the Midoriya family. "I think you ate all you could from him Izu, let Mama Midoriya take your plate." Izuku nods and the two boys go to sit on the couch as she's clears the table. Izuku goes back into in mind, worrying about the exam, while Sugazara and Inko start to talk about what to do for dinner tomorrow. "Oh I think that's the mail! Kou, would you mind getting it for me?" Sugazara just smiles and goes to see what was dropped off. Bill, spam, ad for restaurant, another bill, more spam, letters from U.A., spa-wait letters from U.A.! Sugazara rushes back upstairs, mail in hand, and throws Izuku's letter at his face.

"Oof- what was that for Kouch-" That's when he see just what was thrown at him. Standing straight up, Izuku walks to his bedroom and closes the door. Inko walks in from the kitchen and gives him a confused face, Sugazara just lifts his own U.A. letter for her to see. "I think he's just really nervous about getting in, oh here's the mail." He hands her the rest mail and sits back down on the couch. I'll open mine out here. "Mama Midoriya, I'm going open my letter. Would you like to join me?" He smiles at her as she sits next to him. After opening the letter and placing the small disk on the table, a projection starts.

"This is a projection!!" All Might? "It's been a while. There is much to deliberate on. I'm in town for one reason only. I've come to teach at U.A." Well I know Izu will be happy about that. "Let us move on! You passed the written portion and earned a total of 60 villain points in the physical! WELL DONE! But, please look the screen behind me" A video of the physical starts to play, the part where Sugazara stopped the 0-pointer in it's tracks. "This exam you see...!! We weren't just watching for villain-based points!! A hero course that rejects those that do the right thing is no hero course at all!! Think this is all for the cameras?! This what you want!! In this job you risk your life and put your money where your mouth is!! Rescue point were also a factor in this test! Because you stopped the 0-pointer before it could crush you're fellow competitors we have awarded you 10 rescue points! For a total of 70 points! Welcome Young Sugazara, to your HERO ACADEMIA!"

"Huh...guess I made it." Sugazara turns to Inko, only to see tears flooding her face. "Kou! What you did was amazing! I'm so proud of you!" Just as she's tackling Sugazara with hugs, the door to Izuku's room opens and his face also is covered in tears. Flinging himself on his mother and his best friend. "I GOT IN!" With two crying Midoriyas hugging him, Sugazara just smiles. So you got in Izu, I knew you could. 

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