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Person 1: "Are you sure it's her"

Person 2: "Yes you idiot, if I wasn't sure would I have risked coming here"

Person 1: "Well I suppose not"

Person 3: "Are you two finished arguing"


Person 3: "Elena?"

Person 2: "Yes,Sir?"

Person 3: "Are you 100% sure it's her? You of all people should know what will happen if your wrong, we wouldn't want a repeat of last time now would we"

Person 2: "No sir, I'm sure, No! I'm positive it's her this time!"

Person 1: *grumbling* "That's what you said last time"

Person 2: "Oh be quite!"

Person 1: *snickers * "Nice comeback"

Person 3: "Enough! We shall see in due time if you are right Elena, until then we leave the matter alone understood"

Person 1 & 2: "Yes, Sir"

I awoke with a start.

Hmm, I had thought I heard voices in my room but a quick looked around and I saw that nobody was there....weird, it must have been the remains of my dream still in my mind as I awoke or something. I glanced at my clock on the nightstand next to my bed and groaned only about two hours until I had to get up for school. Well better than nothing I thought as I snuggled back into the comforting warmth of my blankets and attempted sleep.

I eventually did fall asleep the voices I had thought I heard completely forgotten.

YAY! This is my first original book (meaning it's not a fan fiction and everything here came from my imagination.....with inspiration of course)! I hoped y'all enjoyed that and I should have the next chapter out not to long from now actually I'm already working on it so y'all don't have to wait long.

Feel free to comment any grammar/spelling errors I made

Bye until next time! 👋😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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