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Author's note : It's my first fanfiction. so please do comment if you liked or disliked or anything. I'd like to know..
please bear with any grammatical mistakes..
Hope you guys like it.. Please give a feedback.. lots of love to ya'll... 💜

Part 1

You've been friends with him for 3years now. A strong bond filled with lots of happy moments, laughter and pure joy. Kihyun was the best friend you could ever ask for. Everything was going fine until one day everything changed. He started acting weird, you thought. Meeting everyday turned into meeting few days then after few months, calls and texts almost seemed to have stopped. He started giving you excuses of being busy with work. huh never in his life before he was too busy for you but you had to give him his space.
You missed him. you missed your bestfriend alot. His jokes, teasing, healthy flirting, his constant support everything was gone. To forget this sadness you started looking for distractions, making yourself busy in work, hanging out with your best girl friend Naeyon almost every night. you hated clubs but you needed distractions.
One night you had too much drinks and couldn't compose yourself
"yah! Y/N you shouldn't be drinking this much, you can't handle it" naeyon said "I'm fine Naeyon. Its just I'm missing him alot today" she scoffed "as if he cared, why do you even mi-" she stopped talking abruptly looking at me with wide eyes until I noticed she wasn't looking at me but behind my back. I turned around to see kihyun with a girl with him dancing together and enjoying the party. 'so this is where he was busy all these days' you thought to yourself...
Whether it was your anger or the alcohol in your system that kicked in, you stood up from your place and without thinking started heading towards him. Before Naeyon could stop you, there you were reaching for Kihyun's collar and abruptly turning him around towards you with force enough to make him stumble a little bit. His eyes widened at the stranger that pulled him suddenly. "what the-" you cut short his words with a slap that reddened his cheeks immediately. "who the hell are you?" the long forgotten girl scolded you with an angry expression. "who the hell am I? who the heck are you?" you retorted. The patreons ignored your little scene maybe due to their drunken state or the loud music. "woah there. we gotta stop this argument right here, Lets go Y/N" Nayeon pulled you away. Kihyun was so shocked to even talk about what have just happened. "Stop" he muttered, which made you turn and look at him "I want to talk with you " which made him earn a scoff from Naeyon "lets not make a scene bummer, you've hurted my friend alot already. There's nothing to talk about". She took you by hand and you both exited the club without sparing a glance towards the duo.
"what was that oppa?" Irene asked "nothing you should worry about" Kihyun snapped at her. "Oh my gawwd Y/N. I've never seen you getting that much violent" Naeyon laughed. "I dont want to talk about it, can we just go home Nae Nae" you told her disheartenedly. She shook her head and rest of the ride home was silent, finally you reached your destination. Nayeon parked her car and you two went into your apartment, after freshening up you decided to watch a movie instead of reminiscing the incident that have happened today. But soon you both fell asleep on the sofa.

Kihyun's POV
why did she slapped me out of nowhere. was she drunk? he thought to himself. "what happened oppa?" Irene asked. Snapping out of his thoughts he looked at her while his hand still on steering "It's nothing. can we just drop the topic about what happened back then? I knew this wasnt a good idea" he tsked.
Irene was Kihyun's distant cousin who came here for vacations and she understood how much sad Kihyun was being these days, to distract him she forced him to take her to a club, unbeknownst to her that the little plan of making her cousin happy was going to fail.
(to be continued....)

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