The Fight

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Author's Note
So apparently I repeated the first chapter and didn't even notice (I'm stupid). I've re-edited the chapter. ISTG i suck at this. Here you go.

Part 2

‌Sunrays hitting your face made you jolt up from your bed. You wondered how come you ended up there though. As you were getting to leave your bed sudden pain striked your head, HANGOVER! You sat back holding your head in your hands "You shouldnt do that again you know you cant handle it" a familiar voice echoed in your room. You looked up as your heart raced and there he was standing in your bedroom's doorway arms crossed on his chest and a serious expression on his face still looking ethereal. "what are you doing here Kihyun? and where is Naeyon?" you asked glaring at him. "She said she has some work to do she'll be back in the evening, now freshen up your breakfast is ready" he turned around in order to leave your room. "wait, why are you here? why are you being so nice? why are you acting as if nothing happened?" you looked at him with confusion to which he just smiled and said "can we talk about it later? please get up now" he pleaded. You listened to him and when you were done you went back to the kitchen to meet him. "here! sit down" he passed you your favourite waffles with maple syrup on it.  "I bet you are very hungry just finish it up and then we'll talk" he said. you finished eating hurriedly just to talk with him. he watched you carefully while eating and was constantly smiling at you. "Now" you said "care to explain?" Kihyun blinked his eyes several times "Listen Y/N, I know that I've been avoiding you for few days" he said hesitantly "few days?" you back fired "its been months you aren't talking with me properly you suddenly stopped meeting me and yesterday I saw you in the club-" you were holding back your tears "I know Y/N. I.. I am sorry. I shouldnt have treated you like that and about yesterday it was all a misunderstanding" "A misunderstanding?" "yeah. well the girl you saw with me was my distant cousin, you dont know her. she's here for her vacations and wanted to visit places, I wasnt even interested but she insisted. I had to listen to her" he sighed "well though I should have rejected it" "cousin? she was your cousin? but that doesnt explain why you were avoiding me before?" you asked "yeah about that it was a... I mean... How should I put it?" Kihyun said, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, obvious nervousness on his face. "What is it Ki?" you touched his hand reassuring him to say whatever was in his mind. Listening to his pet name from you made him a bit happy "I know what I'm going to say is stupid but, I was afraid-"
‌"afraid of what?" you asked

‌ "afraid of loosing you. Well I heard you talking with him and I thought you liked him and he liked you and I thought maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to stay, be friends with you after what I felt-" "Kihyun what are you talking about?" you asked him with confusion

‌It was your movie night ritual with yout best buddies. As Naeyon was on her night shift she just cancelled the plan so it was just you and Kihyun today. "can we just watch beauty and the beast?" you pouted "But we've already watched it for like thousandth times?" he said mockingly "I hate horror movies" you muttered under your breathe "I can hear you" he laughed "you are a dumbass" you teased him "yah! how can you?" Your phone started ringing "Ki can you pass me my phone?" "yeah sure" he glanced at your mobile's screen it was Jaehyun's call. "I'll be back in a minute." you excused yourself and went into your bedroom.
Kihyun's POV
‌'Why is she taking so much time? Should I check? no no that's not a good idea' he fighted with his own thoughts. After waiting for several minutes he decided to look for you. He headed towards your bedroom, was about to knock on your door when "Oppa~ you are asking me out for a date?" stopping in his tracks he listened to your voice confessing to Jaehyun "ofcourse I'd love too" you said. He felt wrong for eavesdropping but couldnt help he wanted to know what you were talking. Kihyun could imagine your smiling face while talking to Jaehyun, your voice said it all "yaa yaa I love you too baby~" the words which he didnt ever expected from you for someone else stabbed his heart like a knife and tears started welling up in his eyes "see you on our date night then" you hanged up the call, thats when Kihyun ran back to the living room and sat on the sofa as if nothing happened though all he wanted to do was cry out loud. The mere thought of the girl he loved, had a crush for all these years has fallen for someone else broken him into pieces.

(to be continued.....)

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