Anima city

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I walk on the edge of anima city with my cloak's hood on my head. I continued walking into the city until I made it in, what it looks like the center of anima city, It's dark.

"Wh-" colorful lights came on and alot of beastmen were everywhere.

"Heh, too bad I'm human" I continue walking through the crowd.

"No fighting, No bad mouthing others,just happiness and fun" I laughed,

'I came to the right place, even though I have to keep hiding' I started to run until someone pulled me into an alleyway.


"Shirou! Come on not all humans are bad!" An tanuki was yelling at an green and white wolf

"She has a cloak on and she's hiding" the wolf said calmly and glaring at me. I hide my face more by pulling my hood more.

"Let's just ask questions" The tanuki faced me, "why are you here in anima city, you know it's only for beastmen" she has her hands on her hips. I just stand there.

'I can't tell them why, how do they know I'm a human? That wolf over there must had picked up my scent, but anyway I need to get away from them, I'm a fast runner so let's try running.' I breathed in and ran out of the alleyway as fast as I could.

"See I told you" I heard the wolf and I can also hear them running.

"Oh come on!!' I heard the tanuki.

I turned a corner and saw a stage with a pink fox singing.

"These beastmen also have celebrities too? Thats cool!" I ran faster but I bumped into something fluffy and fell to the ground. I looked up and saw the same wolf and saw some dog police men. I turned around and saw the tanuki girl with police dogs behind her too.

"It's over you're surrounded!" The lead dog said. I was completely shocked.

'How did they catched up with me- wait they're beastmen duh! They're kinda like animals for pudding sakes!' I stand up.

"Y-you have to believe me! I'm not here to hurt anybody! I'm here to have a good time" I explained but they look like they don't believe me.

"Yea to kill other beastmen" The green wolf said, showing his teeth. I sighed.

"I just got here too.." I looked at the pink fox that's still singing. I ran towards it and jumped over the police dogs and landed within the crowd. I dodged everybody and went out of the crowd and ran into a random building.

About 5 minutes later I ran into a door and closed it and sighed.

"Um.." I turned around and saw a bald lady.I immediately bowed.

"Sorry ma'am I-" The door opened pushing me to the ground.

"Mayor! Are you ok!?" I heard the same tanuki voice. As I was about to get up I felt someone tackling me. I turned my head to see who was on me. It's the same wolf.

"Now you're trying to kill the mayor!" He yelled.

"Ogami Let her go, and I'm fine, Thank you" The lady got up. The wolf growled and let go of me. I got up and looked at the mayor.

"I have been thinking we should give humans a try anyway so I will like to do a practice run with this one right over here" The mayor pointed at me.

"WHAT!?!" Everyone plus me yelled in shock.

"But mayor you can't do that!? What about other beastmen?" the person I think the name is Ogami or shirou said.

"That's why we are going to try this one first, that's it. goodbye everyone" the mayor smiled.

_____Time skip____

I'm in my room that's full of boxes and one bed with a small blanket. I sighed.

"Better than nothing.." I picked up a box and thought of what I should do with it. I sat it back down and sighed again. I sat down on the bed and looked in my messenger bag. At least I have a brush and things that will keep me clean. I laid down and closed my eyes until I heard a knock on my door.

I stayed silent. I don't want to talk right now.

"Um hi?" The tanuki girl. "I know you might not be in a great mood but I just going to tell you that I used to be human"

'Really? But the beastmen plus you was being mean me but nice to meet you too?'

"My name is Michiru, what's your name?"

I turned towards the door on my bed and sighed. 'It's just a name, I can tell her'

"Y/n nice to meet you Michiru, now can you leave me alone, I'm tired" I replied.

I can hear her jumping around.

"Nice to meet you too Y/n" She giggled and walked away from my door.

"She sound happy"

___next day___

I woke up to noises, I sat up and yawned. I got up off my bed and walked to my door and tried to open it but it wont open.

"What?" I try to push harder and it just won't move then I hear more noise out on my door.


"No you're dangerous to this city" It's Ogami?



"Ok.. But can I at least have food?" I heard him sighed

"Fine but you have to wait for it"

"Ok, thank you" I smiled.

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