Uncle Mune

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"Thanks for taking me in, Uncle Mune," Kaori said quietly, her eyes on the floor of the car.

He chuckled, "No problem, kiddo. It'll be nice having you around again. Kaoru has barely shut up about it."

She smiled slightly, her eyes moving out the window. For a moment, she looked at the reflection of the man driving. He was rough looking, faded scars on part of his face and hands. He was wearing his typical forest grey hat with yellow earmuffs being used as a band, the covers resting on the bill. In his mouth was a lollipop, his preferred replacement for the cigarettes he had stopped smoking all those years ago. His hair was more grey than she membered, and his hazel eyes seemed older, but definitely wiser. Despite his age, he still insisted to dress like a total badass, his grey trench coat reaching his knees, a red peace sign embroidered on the corner. Despite all of that, the gecko tattoo on his neck showed how much of a softie he was. His tattoo matched the birth mark on his son's neck.

He was former yakuza, something Kaori knew all too well.

She was practically born into the crime syndicate. Her uncle had a partner, and the partner fell in love with Mune's sister. Kaori was born into the Yukimura clan, a dangerous weapons clan that hailed from a small city in the country. Those of the Yukimura clan did not play games. All were trained to fight and live their lives. Kaori wasn't a great melee fighter, but she could handle a knife better than most her age and had put a few scars on older members.

"Your mother said you weren't talking about the case," Uncle Mune said, bringing the girl from her thoughts.

"Because there is nothing to say," Kaori replied, as she looked at him. "I was out with a friend, a woman got assaulted, we tried to help her, and she lied to the police, blaming us instead of the man that was assaulting her."

He hummed in thought, "Seeing as how your mother didn't say anything about anyone being killed, it's safe to say he's still out there?"

"His name was left out of the entire thing. The attorney practically ran it as though we had assaulted the woman, not that guy. The only reason Master Yukimura isn't doing anything is because he knows I would have cut the man down. Akira was with me, so I didn't do anything. The Master thinks the punishment wasn't enough. I haven't talked to Akira in months, and it's driving me insane."

Uncle Mune laughed, "Sounds like you've caught the love bug."

"If I have, it'll have to wait. I'll never forget that bastard, what he did to us. Someone with enough power to get themselves pulled from an assault case is someone that's bound to be in Tokyo. He had best hope he doesn't cross my path again."

He sighed, "The yakuza won't back you up while you're being punished. Don't do anything stupid without backup."

"Yeah, I know," Kaori replied quietly, looking out the window once again.

The two hours it took to get to Shibuya, Tokyo were filled with information to help Kaori get used to the manners of the city. People were more stern and proper than what she was accustomed to.

The car rolled to a stop, Uncle Mune sighing heavily as they looked at the three story school. Shujin Academy, rumored to be where the former gold star medalist, Suguru Kamoshida coached a volleyball team. As the volleyball captain of her last school, Kaori had been given a spot on the volleyball team.

There was clear judgement on the principal's face as well as the old man and middle aged man she recognized as Kamoshida. She ignored most of what the obese principal said, her mind focusing on a lingering scent in the room. Though the cologne was rather popular, Kaori couldn't imagine anyone other than Akira wearing it.

She noticed the old man speaking, handing her the student ID and uniform. Kamoshida gave her some information, but it was vague and she would have to just play it by ear. She had volleyball practice everyday after school for two hours, and that was all she needed to know.

When the duo got in the car, Uncle Mune sighed, "You didn't hear a word of that."

"I'll figure it out," she promised, her eyes focusing on the school.

"It's not like you to zone out like that. What happened?"

She blushed slightly, picking at her fingers, "Akira was in there. I could smell him."

He laughed, "Were you really that hopeful to see him?"

Knowing he was right, she nodded sadly, "So it seems."

When they arrived to her new residence, Kaori looked at the large houses around them then at the smaller, cozier home. Pulling her suitcase from the backseat, she followed her uncle into his small home. She knew it would be bare and bland, but it was worse than she had thought. Over the next year, she was going to turn this house into a home, and she would make her uncle the father he needed to be. Things needed to change, and she was going to make sure it happened.

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