Le sexe

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Okay so right now I'm imagining sex in Paris with Sebastian ( he totally just got the impression that I wanna bang him not talk , which is kinda true except I want to fall in love because that's the whole point right .. Falling in love .. In Paris 😐)

Im up in my lavish Parisian apartment, the interior walls are brick designed , the floor is wooden so the clicks and clacks of my boots is pretty fucking obviously loud.. I've got all this pretty organic shit like plants and flowers in one side of my apartment and books on the other , my bed lays in another room.
"Let's not forget Sebastian is locked outside while you're trying to describe the Beauty of your apartment" ( voice in my head)
"Oh shit yea right"
(Shimmies to the door , opens it) "tadaaa, welcome to le home abode, is that how they say it"?
"It's Bienvenue chez moi" Sebastian says
"Ha ha ha I was close .. Kinda"
Okay boom
I command it to rain , just because I've got a pretty glass window and I want the rain to like splatter on it and stuff so I can get the whole Paris feel while I'm jumping bones with Sebastian.. 😁

Sebastian grabs me by my waist , forces his tongue done my throat then he lifts me up , causing me to flutter my legs in total absolute happiness

"Oooo mon peri" I say ( if that means anything)
"Ohh Belle" Sebastian says
"Wait my names not even belle it's Mary "
"Belle means beautiful in French Marie" Sebastian says
.. "Oh shit ha yea totally alright keep chomping on my neck now"

Sebastian then throws me on the bed , crawls in between my legs , unbuttoning my pettie coat , and sliding his hands up my skirt
By suprise he then goes down and cups his mouth over my .. (Gasp) oh shit okay this is unbearable , okay now finger me
Wait NOOO oh my Gosh Ahh it feels sooooooo fucking good

Like too good
Stop !
Stop seriously fucking stop its too good
"Ouch" ! Sebastian says
Omg im sorry I totally just kicked you in the head with my heels

"Ahh I need ice" Sebastian grabs his bloody head and runs to the kitchen
While I've got my face over the toilet puking my guts out
Okay I'm an idiot.
Sex in Paris over.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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