Chapter 9

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(Mild mature content)

You woke up wrapped in silky sheets on a soft unfamiliar bed. Your vision was blurry which slowly focused like a camera lens and you became more aware of your body. Pain. Every muscle was sore and ached, the worst of which was in between your legs. You stretched on the bed a bit and it somehow acted like a pain relief to your sore body.

Exhaling quietly, you got up and sat into a sitting position. It was 3 am, why were you awake now? You tried searching your surroundings but it was way too dark for you to see anything but the streetlamps blinking outside the window. You rubbed your eyes and tried again, but it just gave you massive red splotches in front your eyes.

"Looking for me?"

Came a voice from beside you. You knew it was Jimin yet you almost couldn't recognize the sound; it wasn't like the Jimin who smokes at midnight, and it was definitely not Chim Chim who spoke with his aegyo voice. It was raspy, filled with sleep yet you could make out the lust in it.

A few blinks had your eyes magically adapt to the darkness and you turned your head to the side to make out a figure leaning against the wall. He was shirtless, the streetlamps lighting up the edges and dips of his toned body. His hair was covering his lust hooded eyes, and the only thing his wore was a pair of sweatpants that hung low below his hip bones. He looked rather hot and you felt an ice cube slip down the inside of your stomach.

He removed his hands from his pockets and pushed away from the wall to walk towards you and your cheeks were set aflame.

He sat on the bed beside you and smirked, and you suddenly became aware that you were completely naked which made your cheeks flush even more. You quickly pulled up the blanket to cover your chest.

"I've already seen all of you silly," Jimin laughed, and that somehow made you feel less panicked.

You came to realize that you hadn't covered your arms from him, they were on display, your stretch marks in all of its glory. Flashes of what happened last night played in your mind and you remember Jimin kissing you and your marks gently, caressing your skin in the most wonderful way. He made you feel so beautiful, you almost wanted it to happen again. The memories gave you butterflies in your stomach.

"Do you regret it?"

Jimin's voice was low yet caring and soft. You looked at him to find a hint of guilt written on his face.

"I don't," you replied, and a smile unconsciously made its way on your lips, "I couldn't have imagined a better person."

"But, didn't you want someone who you had known for a long time and who you trusted?"

"Well, I trust you Jimin, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

Jimin mimicked your smile, and immediately leaned in to close the space between you two.

He started kissing you gently and you responded until he made it deeper and deeper and you became vulnerable to his actions. A final moan escaped your throat, cueing that his was completely in control and he pulled you into his lap. You felt your sensitive center slide on his and immediately sucked in a breath through your nose as a whole new wave of arousal washed over you. Jimin got affected with the contact as well because you could feel a vibration in his chest that came out as an animalistic grunt. He intensified the kiss and you could make out his neediness when he moved his hands from cupping your cheeks to roaming around all over your back.

He started kissing you more roughly, then travelled down your neck with open mouthed kisses and you finally had time to breath properly. Jimin reached and swiped his tongue over you collarbone in a torturing slow speed while you choked on a moan. Gathering a bunch of sheet in your hands you balled your fingers to make tight fists around the white fabric when he started sucking on your skin. Your mind was clouded with arousal but it snapped back into reality when his teeth grazed over your skin and it suddenly hurt.

"Jiimin," you gently pushed him away and he backed off, a string of saliva connecting his tongue to your collarbone.

"Did you just give me a hickey?" you softly whispered.

"Um," Jimin ran his hand through his hair guiltily, "maybe?"

You sighed, and he shifted your hair that was covering part of your neck and upper chest.

"I gave you a lot babe."

"Jimin!" you hit his arm and he started laughing.

"Don't pretend that you don't like it."

Your already red cheeks coloured even more and you turned away, "I did no-"

He cut you off by taking your bottom lip between his teeth and tugging on it before letting go, allowing you to pull it between your own.

"I – I did," you eventually whispered, although in a hesitant voice.

Jimin smiled at you and popped a kiss on your nose.

"Thank you Jimin," you said, "you are the one person who actually made me feel good about myself. Who made me feel beautiful."

"I didn't make you feel beautiful Y/N," Jimin smiled, "I just got that thought of your being ugly out of your naïve little mind."

You blinked, "naïve?"

"Yes naïve! Who told you stretch marks are ugly? Who told you having perfect skin is beautiful. Honestly don't waste your time on trying to change or hide yourself because it's never going to go away. It's a part of you so stop trying to cover it up. Your prince charming probably won't care whether you have stretch marks or not because he would love you for your personality and not for your body."

His words made your heart tickle and you beamed with joy, mimicking his own radiant smile that closed his eyes adorably.

"Although Jimin," you said "I think you did my prince charming's job."

" . . .oh yeah, um," he scratched the back of his head and you immediately realized that he was at his Chim Chim stage and was feeling shy. "I guess that makes me – I mean it doesn't make me but maybe it just kinda – you know, tell you that . . ."

He drifted off, and you saw two burning cheeks gleaming in the dark of the room and giggled.

"Will you be my prince charming?" you said, your own face a blushing mess.

As soon as you uttered those words, Jimin looked down and messed his hair up about twenty times before looking back up again with a smile that was another level of aegyo.

You cooed and gave him a hug which he returned, leaning into your ear and whispering – "I'm honoured."

He started tracing the patterns that decorated your thighs. "No hiding these alright?"

"Yeah," you said, but then pushed him away, "BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE PARK JIMIN!" You pointed furiously at the hickeys and bruises that he had littered all over your neck and chest, "how am I supposed to cover these up huh?"

Jimin clicked his fingers. "I have an idea!" he searched around the bed and found a piece of clothing. He returned to the bed and draped his shirt over your shoulders and buttoned it up to the button that was nearest the collars. "See! Now you can't even see them!"

"Are you kidding me I look like a Hokage."

"Come on! We only have like two hours to get some sleep before we have to wake up to go to school!"

Jimin slammed himself down on the bed and pulled you along with him. "Come here," he sad and you cuddled up to him under the blankets.

"Be confident Y/N," Jimin whispered half asleep, "people will love you!"

"Yeah they will," you whispered as well, snuggling up to his chest and falling asleep. "And I'll be fine if they don't." 

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