5: ʙʀɪᴅᴇ

839 39 5

Izuku woke up fully bathed, clothed, and completely refreshed in a bed.

He didn't recognize where he was, sitting up and looked around at the large cutely decorticated room. It was as if it were made just for him to fit what he liked.

Plushies and toys everywhere, the greenette not feeling right and got out of the silky bed. When he went to the window and pulled open the curtain all he saw was a red sky and dead black land.

"..what....am I in..."

He couldn't even finish his words, fearing they were true.

Soon enough Sho walked into the room to see him awake. "Hello Izuku."

The boy turned, eyes nervous. "You...really are the devil..so why did you help me? Your supposed to be the king of demons, cruel and heartless. So how come I was an exception?"

"Because... no one deserves to be in your place. I wont allow it. I'm not happy or pleased at all with what that man you call father has been doing." He crossed his arms as he leaned on the door. Though now he looked different, grey horns on either side of his head, black wings coming from his back, eye whites actually black with his mismatched eyes practically glowing.

Izuku was surprised, slowly walking up to him. "..then..thank you, Sho. I never thought that I'd ever get out of there..I felt like I was slowly dying no matter what. That's why I...wanted to die a pretty death before that could happen." He said and gaped.

"W-wait!..am I...dead?"

"No. You're not yet."

Izuku pouted but then looked at him. "Yet?"

"You said you wanted to die a beautiful death... I disagree, so I'm here to ask if you feel the same way."

"Same way about what?" He tilted his head.

He sighed softly. "Do you still want to die?"

"..I...I think I do. Because I know that even though I'm away from that place that I'll never really be happy or free. It...it was too horrible, I'm too broken." Izuku frowned.

"I can make you happy... but not free. Theres always a price to pay for my services." His face slightly shifted to amusement.

"I never asked for your help. That was on your own." Izuku pointed out.

"Do you think that actually matters?" His head tilted ever so slightly. "By your words... 'cruel and heartless'."

"W-what does that have to do with anything?"

"You will become my bride."


"Your joking."

Sho only stared. "Do you think I am?"

Izuku grumbled, wavering. "Did you just decide that or did you seek me out solely for that purpose?"

Sho merely smiled.

"I'm almost thirteen and your like-thousands of years old!" Izuku said. "Me being your bride..it's just too unreal. All of this is a lot to take in."

The man walked over, placing a hand on Izuku's head. "Then take your time."

Izuku pouted. "You could technically have anyone, why me? I'm just one kid."

"You ask too many questions. But... I cant have just anyone."

The boy raised a brow. "Why is that?"

"Too many questions."

"Your too many years old, old man." Izuku stuck his tongue out.

"Izuku. Please, do watch your words." He glared gently.

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