Chapter 9

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Oh my God, my body aches. I can feel my body but it feels so heavy.  My mouth feels dirty and I feel like I've been asleep for a month.

I want to move but my body is fighting against me. I try my eyes next and I can feel them cooperating with me.

"Skye?" My dad calls. I can hear him next to me. "Call the doctor."

I open my eyes but everything is blurry and bright. I squint to see better and my dad is inches from my face.

Past him, is a room I don't recognize. I'm in a bed that is uncomfortable and then I hear it, the beeping sound. I turn slowly and see it's a machine. I'm hooked up to it and I have IV's in my arms.

I panic and the machines beeping quickens. "Wha—what happ—" I feel like I can't catch my breath. I'm so tired.

"It's ok, honey. You're in the hospital. You're going to be fine." My dad assures me and I feel someone squeezing my hand.

I look down and follow the hand to see my brother. "Fitz." I don't know why but I'm crying. I feel like it's been ages since I saw him last.

"Hey." He has tears in his eyes but he's wearing a big smile. "Don't do that again." Fitz kisses my head.

I don't know what to say. I don't know what he means but I hug him. "I love you," I tell him and he hugs me back.

"I love you too, sis." He only calls me sis on special occasions.

"Daddy?" I cry and I feel his hug on my other side. "I love you."

"I love you so much, honey." My dad holds me close and also hugs Fitz.

There's a rush and there are nurses around me now, asking me questions. I'm scared and try to pull away from them.

I reach for my dad but he and Fitz have both moved away from me to make room for the nurses. I notice Jemma giving me a small smile. She's standing next to Fitz.

I try to slow my heart and take deep breaths. My family is here. I'm going to be ok.

My vision is slowly clearing but I have a horrible headache and I feel so thirsty.  My mouth is horribly dry. "Can I have water, please?" It feels funny as I ask like I haven't spoken in ages.

How long have I been here? Why am I here? What happened to me? I can feel my heart accelerate again and I work to calm it.

"We'll get you some ice chips, for now, sugar. And we'll give you some meds to calm you." One of the older nurses says to me.

I hear my dad ask something to another nurse but I can't make out what he said or what she's answering.

The nurses make their way out and one of them hands me a cup. I slowly bring it to my lips and marvel at the ice in my mouth. It melts quickly as the ice chips are thin and small.

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