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Zuo Yan thought he would not be able to fall asleep, but did not expect to sleep until the next morning.

The place where he and Xie Yao were next to each other was still a little damp. Xie Yao had opened his eyes for a while.

Zuo Yan was confused and looked at him for a while, "Early."

Xie Yao said: "Early."

Zuo Yan thought he could not get up, and then looked down his eyes.

His hand is firmly around Xie Yao's back, the point is that the hand is still in.

It should be because of the consciousness of being afraid of being squeezed by himself yesterday.

No wonder his arms are so sore.

However, Zuo Yan quietly lowered his head, and he could feel the other person's abdominal muscles in one breath and one breath. If the claws touched, it would feel very good.

I quickly withdrew my hand here, but nothing happened.

Xie Yao pulls off his clothes, "How do you sleep?"

Zuo Yan nodded, "It's good." I

dreamed that I became a lettuce leaf in a burger, and then I ate it bit by bit. What would I say?


harmony !" The miserable cry made Zuo Yan sober, and it was this movement that awakened him.

Put on shoes and ran outside, several people were standing in the yard.

Chen Lianghe's body was placed in the middle of the yard, and his death was terrible.

The cause of death this time no longer needs to be checked, and a knife was cut into the abdomen, the same method of death.

Even the shocked expression on his face was exactly the same.

"The same murderer is among us."

Xie Yao stood beside him and said lightly.

Lu Weiwei was still crying, and Xiao Hui, who was also a girl, couldn't stand it any longer and comforted her.

What's interesting is that she kept crying and accusing this accusation, but she didn't move her footsteps towards the body.


Xiaoji, didn't you stay at the door yesterday?" Wei Dalu has been honest in his life. He has never experienced such a thing. For two days, he had white hair on his head.

Ji Zhizhi kicked on the door and scratched his head. Somewhat annoyed, "I fell asleep yesterday."

Others looked at him disappointedly.

Ji Wise also doubted himself that he was obviously very energetic at first, but why did he fall asleep later?

"Did you hear anything last night?"

The nine people who lived in the room looked at each other and shook their heads one after another.

They didn't hear anything. It stands to reason that three people died in a row, and some people will not sleep so much in the middle of the night, but the truth is, they all slept to death.

And the murderer swaggered and killed people, and returned to sleep again among them.

It's scary to think about it.

Everyone around may be the one with the knife.

Zuo Yan asked the system, "Chen Jiahe is also?" The

system: "Yes."

It is useless to talk about it after death, but now it is certain that there is someone who can say that he is revenge in front of Xie Yao .

I just don't know if this person wants to help him or for other purposes.

"Last night, did you see any of us who got up in the middle of the night?" The

system: "Last night, the main system

went down." "You got stuck too well at this point." The chain fell off at a critical moment.

System: "We almost let the target subconsciously expel, I'm trying to make up for the loopholes, you."

Hugging the beautiful man to eat tofu.

Zuo Yan felt guilty for a moment, "You have worked hard, old line."

System: "What is the old line?"

Zuo Yan said: "Then old line?"

System: "... or old line."

Ji Zhizhi Can not accept one after another that someone died in front of him, this is his mistake!

He was going down the mountain to see if there was still no one over the suspension bridge.

Moreover, there are now more than three dead, and one is missing.


Cai , auntie..." Cai Yong rubbed his rough hands. He hadn't put down the pair of women's sneakers in recent days.

"I believe she will be fine, maybe she has already gone back."

Ji Zhizhi saw the grin on his face and felt more guilty.

But now there is a murder case, and none of these people can go out.

Ji Zhizhi rallied, and just wanted them to check each other's body. People don't know who it is, but the weapon.

With a sharp knife, the murderer must be placed in a safe and very close place.

At this moment, a woman's words suddenly turned things around.

"It's them! It's definitely their revenge! I knew there would be such a day! Three dead! Weihua! Three!" The

only woman among them suddenly took her husband's hand and shouted loudly, The horrified look scared the rest.

"What are you talking about! Don't talk nonsense!"

Zheng Weihua hurriedly covered his wife's mouth. The two men shoved the woman on the ground, surrounded by the Chen family and the terrified death.

Zhang Cuiping screamed out, "Weihua! The next one is you! The next is you! They have come to avenge!"

Zheng Weihua is going to stop, Ji Wise grabbed him.

"Let her say!"

Ji Zhizhi looked at her and asked, "Auntie, what do you mean? Why do you say the next one is your husband?"

Zhang Cuiping shivered and crawled sideways away from the body.

"20 years ago... 20 years ago..."

Zheng Weihua yelled, "You shut up! Officer, she is mentally ill!"

Zhang Cuiping was completely unimpressed, and then told about an incident caused by greed.

"Twenty years ago...we were all working in the same factory..."

Ji Zhizhi picked up the phone recording, "You? Are you referring to the three dead?"

Zhang Cuiping wanted to stand up, but found his legs were soft, and suddenly Sit back on the ground.

"There are also the husband and wife of the Shen family..."

Zhang Cuiping apparently has fallen into memory, and no one bothered her at this time.

"We were all poor at that time... no one was better than anyone else.

But the husband and wife of the Shen family had a better life, but they saved an old lady and they gave them all their property...We were envious and jealous at that time..."

Her eyes were fixed on a place, and the expression on her face also changed.

"A million ...... then we would have been unthinkable ...... we guess ah, that the couple will soon be in town to buy a big house, not like us to work from dawn to dusk every day ......"

after She didn't say it, Xiao Hui looked at the others and asked, "Then what?"

Zhang Cuiping gave her a stern look, and she smiled as if crying, "Then, the son of the Shen family was kidnapped..." The

five kidnappers demanded a ransom of one million, or they would tear the ticket. It also threatens that people cannot call the police or the child will die.

Finally, the money came, and several people fled.

But the couple died in a car accident returning home, leaving only one child, and then heard that they were adopted.

Zuo Yan looked at Xie Yao and saw that he looked up at the sky in the distance. Only when he approached him would he know that his muscles were tight, as if he could burst at any time.

Zuo Yan approached him and grabbed his wrist.

Xie Yao looked down at him fixedly, holding his hand in half a ring, interlocking his fingers.

After listening to her, the people at the scene were a bit complicated.

Ji Zhizhi stopped recording and started the next paragraph.

"You said five people? Who are there?"

Zhang Cuiping pointed to the room where the corpse was placed. "Gao Zhongxing, Li Zhiguo... Chen

Lianghe , Xu Qianqian ..." The last one looked at her husband, "Zheng Weihua."

Zheng Weihua was decadent. Sitting on the stone bench, this is recognized.

The people present were far away from him.

After hearing all the words, Lu Weiwei hung tears in the corners of her eyes and shouted in shock: "That is to say, someone is taking revenge?!"

The killer is very clear. The dead are all kidnappers, then the next one, It must be Zheng Weihua!

But who is the person who avenged him?

This problem has become a mystery in everyone's mind.


Zhizhi felt that he was missing a person. "Xu Qianqian is not here?" Zheng Weihua wiped his face. "He died a few years ago."

Therefore, Zheng Weihua was the last person in the kidnapping crime!

Zhang Cuiping had just been awake for a while, and then he began to chatter again.

"A ghost has come to avenge! The husband and wife of the Shen family have come to avenge! Weihua, he will come to you immediately, what to do... what to do..."

Zhang Cuiping hides in the arms of Zheng Wei's words, looking frightened , It seems to be scared.

Wei Dalu himself was also a son, and he felt the same anger in his heart when he heard that they had kidnapped a child.

But these people are now dead.

Xiao Hui said: "There are no ghosts in the world, they must be made by people, will they be their sons?"

Ji Zhizhi said: "It is very possible."

And if the couple's sons, only three people on the scene met.

Ji Zhizhi, Xie Yao, Huo Yao.

The others looked at the three people, and they stepped back a few steps, their suspicion glancing across several people.

It is natural to ignore Zuo Yan, and it seems that he is still a minor.

Left words: Should I be happy?

At this time, the age of several people can be faked, and so can their life experience. Who said that the murderer cannot be a policeman? Moreover, he was guarding the door last night.

"Who the hell is that?"

The dramatic development that came out made some innocent people tense, and that string could be broken at any time.

Lu Weiwei remembered that her dead boyfriend was angry. The gold master she found was gone!

"The surnamed Zheng, haven't you kidnapped that kid! Do you have any impression?"

Zheng Weihua's eyes dodged, Ji Jizhi frowned, "If you have anything, just say it."

I saw him pulling his wife. Pointing to the middle of the three people, he was not sure. "He looks a little like the kid when he was a kid."

Zuo Yan looked at Xie Yao, who was concerned by others, with a heart in his heart.

Mom sells it. Xie Yao grew up when he was a child and is now a thousand miles away!

And, if you recognize it long ago, you can't hide your curiosity.

He hasn't seen anything wrong with the last name Zheng these days.

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