Hank's a bitch!

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Troy picked up the phone and his face brightened.

I felt a wee bit jealous. I mean, we just met last night right? With his good looks *sigh* girls would obviously be falling for him.

"My darling!"Troy said into the phone.


That was a slap on the face people!

It seems I zoned out for a while because next thing I knew, Troy was frowning into the phone. *chuckles*real cliche.

In your face bitch!

"Oh, okay."the frown was evident in his voice and I smirked.

"Is there a problem?"I asked sweetly, disgusted at myself for making my obvious joy at his disappointment towards this darling bitch obvious.

He rose his head to look at me then shook his head no.


"Hank faster! Faster!"this sentence was dragged on into moans.

I was sitting up in bed, staring at the white ceiling in awe.

Fuckin bitch of a brother!

I had hardly gotten any sleep. Though I doubt anyone else had with all the noise.

Apparently Hank found his mate at the mall and they barged into the house already ripping the clothes off each other. According to that creepy kid who saw it all.Sper.

I groaned and flipped over, pulling my pillow over my head.Two minutes later and all I could hear was,

"Orgasm...coming!"I mean,seriously?

I think they just made about a million new STDS.

I growled lowly and threw on some mickey mouse pajamas. I quickly headed towards the door and opened it, not bothering about it making noise because of...um, well you get the picture.

I peeked at Troy's door which was opposite mine and absentmindedly walked towards it.

As soon as I was in front of it, I sucked in a breath and opened the door.

Well to say I was not expecting what I saw is an understatement.

Troy was curled in one corner of the room like I had been a few minutes ago.

He looked fear stricken and I had a wild urge to laugh.

The things those two could do!

I slowly made my way over to him and hung my head down as I felt him burn a hole in my skull. Ha-ha.

"Uh hey."I mumbled awkwardly before sitting on the bed. I stared at my clasped hands on my lap nervously.

"Uh hey."he said in a really gruff voice. I rose my head to meet his really green gaze and he smiled sheepishly.

I smiled back and snuggled on the bed beside him.

"So..."he trailed of and I smirked.

"Mr big bad alpha is afraid of, er, noises?"

He chuckled and shook his dark handsome head.

"It's the things that woman was saying. Things like...-"he was cut short when. . .

"I'm so sorry Hank! For being such a bad girl! I promise I'll make you a peanut butter sandwich! "She moaned loudly as Hank did something to her.

Troy and I just looked at each other, horrified.

Then suddenly as if on cue, we both burst out laughing with occasional "save that sandwich for me"s and other snipe comments.

But you know what the funny thing is?

Our laughter drowned the moans as it rang out in perfect harmony.

Please I need you all to comment. Is the book bad? Should I continue? Even if it's a hate comment I appreciate it.

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